April 7 - Libra Full Moon

Written by Lara. Want to know how this specifically know how this impacts you?
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April 7, 2020 7:36pm PST
18 degrees Libra

Libra Full Moon Inconjunct Neptune
Venus, ruler of full moon,in Gemini and Trine Mars and Saturn
Mars in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus
Mars in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries
Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

Happy Libra Full Moon!! A LOT has happened since our last Virgo Full Moon in March. Global pandemic and the economic fallout resulting from it is most of what’s on everyone’s mind these days. Many are praying for things to return to some normalcy and with it the return of health, feelings of safety and security. I couldn’t write now without addressing this obvious collective experience we are having. My desire is to talk about what’s happening through the lens of Astrology, hopefully without triggering more fear or anxiety.

With that said, for those who are further interested, below is a link to an article from one of my favorite Evolutionary Astrologers, Mark Jones, who talks more in-depth about the history of nodes of Saturn, which Pluto and Jupiter have just activated, and their connection to past and current crises. https://www.plutoschool.com/blog/224-our-current-crisis

Usually, this next section goes at the beginning of my write-ups, but I felt the more immediate collective experience should take its place. This Libra Full Moon is occurring at 19 degrees Libra and will affect Libra Sun and Rising signs, as well as anyone with planets or points at the 19-degree mark in Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and Libra. Libra reminds us that balance is necessary in any truly functional relationship. Relationships are the most important thing we have now as we rely on healthcare and service providers for safety, comfort, and support even through this isolation and quarantine. The theme of relationships is a strong thread pulling throughout this experience. Relationships with our governments, relationships with other countries, relationships with community, and relationships with our family. All these relationships are getting reorganized and redefined. We are getting crystal clear about what we value, what’s important, and who we want in our life. 

There is nothing like fear, another Saturn/Capricorn quality, to force us into contemplation about our priorities. Fear of death, of illness, of lack, of loneliness, of lack of safety and security. Pretty much all these are up for us now and this virus is helping shed light on the inequalities that exist that have created dysfunction on many levels. Speaking out about it and bringing awareness will help change the infrastructure.

One of the biggest changes over the last two weeks is that Saturn has moved into Aquarius. Saturn, the archetype of hard work, limitations, karma, and responsibility, has moved in the Aquarius, the archetype of the collective community, of altruism, of sudden change and trauma, and of new perspectives and innovations. What we are seeing now is the global community taking on more responsibility and coming together as less hit countries and areas send supplies and support to places of increasing cases and fatalities. While simultaneously, on almost a global level, we are experiencing the restriction of Saturn through quarantines that are being strictly enforced in some areas. Essentially our community connection is now happening virtually. While this has been going on for years now with the introduction of the internet, phones, and social media, another aspect of Aquarius, this technology is now almost solely what’s keeping us connected. We are also getting the chance to realize how important our family and local community connection is, and hopefully deepening it in positive ways. 

Saturn also represents work and being alone/independent. While many of us are feeling the restrictive part of this archetype with losing jobs and being isolated in our homes, the healthcare workers and service workers are working harder than ever to keep us safe, healthy and supported through their altruistic, Aquarian efforts.

The Saturn archetype extends on with Jupiter and Pluto having their first conjunction in Saturn rules Capricorn. Many of us associate Jupiter with opportunity, optimism, and playfulness. However, Jupiter also expands what it touches. So with expansive Jupiter transiting through restrictive Capricorn, we can see how now the challenging aspects of Capricorn are getting amplified, as we are needing to rely on the government, also associated with Capricorn, support and intervention to help keep us all safe and healthy. The foundational infrastructure of our country and the dysfunction of it, is getting exposed and reorganized as we face fears of total collapse.

Jupiter is also in connection with Pluto, amplifying Pluto’s deep transformation qualities. These two planets coming together are pushing us into exponential growth. Pluto unearths, reveals, resurfaces, things that we may have long kept hidden. He shows us where our power lies, and where or whom we may have given our power away to. Jupiter expands all this and will give us many opportunities to mature into our personal power. We are being faced with the unknown and uncertainty, more so than ever as we navigate through uncharted waters. And along with Saturn’s influence, we are seeing the reality and deep underbelly of the lack of federal governmental support in health care and job security in this country. 

So while Saturn moving into Aquarius and Jupiter conjunct Pluto are the biggest aspects occurring right now, this Libra Full Moon also brings some less potent, but no less important planetary connections. One important aspect which could make us feel a little more destabilized is Mars in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus. When this duo comes together it can feel like lightning strikes. On the positive, there might be new awarenesses, new creativity, new legislation or support on some fundamental level. Uranus in Taurus activates our need to feel resourced and supported, while Mars in Aquarius might feel rebellious and independent. These two will show us where the cracks are in our infrastructure and sense of stability, and push us to find new ways of solving these problems. You might expect anger, frustration, irritation, to be at an all-time high, and maybe even violence in some situations. What we can focus on now is the innovative side of this duo, and put all our energy and efforts to finding solutions. This is a revolutionary aspect that will trigger more awareness to the current issues of lack in resources and community/governmental support.

Another important aspect is that the ruler of this full moon, Venus, has just moved into Gemini where she will be staying for an extended period of time, until August 7th, due to her time of retrograde. Venus also trines Mars and Saturn which doubles up on the need to find and communicate about resources and support. With Gemini being all about curiosity, learning and variety, Venus in Gemini will help us get curious about other ways we can make money and gather resources. With her 5 month stay in this sign, we’ll be reorganizing the global economy and find ways to support people financially on a day to day level while we recover from this pandemic. I’ll offer one word of caution even though it’s a few weeks out, when venus stations retrograde at 21 degrees, she will square Neptune in Pisces. This does not bode well for us on a personal or collective level. We will need to be extra careful about finances for at least two weeks before and after her station. Things that may seem too good to be true may actually be too good to be true. We may not be getting all the information we need to make good choices with our finances, and with our relationships. Grief may overcome many of us and it’s important to find ways to move through the emotions arising. 

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Lara Noel