An Aries Full Moon is strong enough to motivate us on it’s own, with his intensity and focused energy. But adding to this lovely Sun/Moon opposition is a Square from Pluto. This Full moon in Aries energy multiplied exponentially. Pluto and Mars, Aries’s planetary ruler, are cousins. Pluto being a higher, more refined octave of it’s childish and impulsive relative Mars. Expect a whole lot of energy, drive, focus, and passion. You can also expect impatience, irritation, anger, and conflicts as people’s different needs oppose each other, each vying for their own to be met. With Mars currently in Libra, the sign of his detriment, some of this frustration may be coming out sideways. Mars doesn’t feel like is direct and focused self right now, but with Pluto involved, this lack of clarity might give way to a point of clarity.
So what can we do with all this? As you’re defining your needs and boundaries, get clear on who is worthy of sharing your time. Also reflect on yourself and your behaviors and think about whether you’re being selfish, stubborn, and unyielding, when maybe you could stand to see another’s perspective and open to the possibility of sharing and negotiating. So everyone wins.
If you have some project underway, this is a perfect time to give things one last push through the portal to completion. It’s also a great time for this last push because Mercury retrograde is coming up in two weeks. This T-Square between Pluto/Sun/Moon amplifies our drive to accomplish, competitively. Even if that competition is with ourself. Be careful not to bulldoze over other’s ideas or needs, because this will only lead to conflict, when we actually need to try to work together. A Lot can be learned if we approach people and situations with humility and a desire to learn and see different perspectives.
However, you may be clear now that certain situations aren’t working for you and it’s time to cut the cord. Hopefully lovingly and with grace, though that’s not so easy to access right now. One thing Pluto offers us is that opportunity to transform through challenging situations and discover our power on the other side. This is where that saying, “the only way out is through” applies. Pluto says we need to face the darkness, the mud, the ugliness, before we can transform it into a gift. Into something useful. So if you’ve had a difficult time facing the discomfort in your life, this Full Moon will make sure you will not only see it, but it will be in your face and unavoidable.
Pluto requires that our action be in the highest integrity or we reap the karmic consequences of lies, betrayals, and abuses of power. Often around the issues of sex and sexuality. The actions and behaviors that arise from Mars/Aries, is more primal, impulsive, simplistic, self focused. Putting these two planets together can sometimes incite violence, aggressions, and abuse. There’s only one focus, and that is getting needs and urges met through whatever means necessary.
Another wild card during this Aries Full Moon is Venus in Scorpio Opposite Uranus in Taurus. Pluto rules Scorpio, so we have another addition to this intensely intimate Full Moon. Intimate in the sense that we are becoming intimately aware of the disempowered and vulnerable places within ourself. And don’t consider that vulnerability and disempowerment or synonymous. They aren’t by any means. But often when we hide those vulnerable places out of fear, or make ourself vulnerable to people who aren’t healthy, we give away our power and full expression of life. Being vulnerable take great courage, as Brene Brown has consistently reminded us. It leaves us open to getting hurt, but also leaves us open to deepen into our relationship with ourself and with others. It allows us to feel humility, love, pain, and connection all at once.
And with Venus/Uranus Opposition, we may be feeling a tad more touchy than normal when those vulnerable places are exposed. We may find ourself in situations that trigger some of our deepest wounds. Challenge our self-confidence and self-worth. And encourage us to make breakthroughs in our healing, which may happen through release. Sudden changes in our relationships may occur, pushing us to the edge of our comfort zone. If we’ve been complacent in any area of our life, we can no longer hide from the dissatisfaction we are feeling now.
Another thing this mix of energies offer is a clear view into our desires, what we want, and where we want to be headed. Even with Mars in Libra, there’s a clarity about what behavior we are willing to put up with. With Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, we are looking at authority issues and how we may have given ours away to another. Where has that left us? What failures have we endured and what have they taught us?
This time is about reclaiming parts of ourself that we’ve abandoned and cast aside out of shame and pain. This energy is a swift boot kick of tough love redirecting us onto a path that serves not only ourself in better ways, but others as well. Remember that creating boundaries with others is a compassionate act for both of you, even though it may not seem like it in the moment. Focus on yourself. Focus on being honest with yourself and others. Focus on authenticity, integrity, and love. Through the act of honoring and respecting oneself, we live life in full present moment awareness and acceptance.