Aries Season Workshop
March 21st - April 19th
Theme: Mars, Ignite the warrior within & Boundaries
aries Season Workshop, Guidebook, Meditation & Rituals
Welcome to Aries Season, a time of birth and new beginnings. Aries Season introducing us to our first human lessons - to become aware and claim our identity. We tune in to our existence through our connection with the fire of Spirit. Our collective focus for Aries Season, will be stepping into our authority and power, and cultivating boundaries and healthier self-image. Our collective focus for Aries Season, will be to step into our authority, cultivate healthier boundaries, and liberate our self-image from external definitions.
The Aries Season workshop & guidebook are for all Zodiac signs (everyone) - and are a reference for the entire month. Along with the guidebook, Nomad members are given tools to develop their intuition and learn more about themself & spirit. When we are better informed and aligned with the energies; we can adjust, manifest and make real magic happen!
or, gain access with a Day Pass.
Aries SEASON & Setting Boundaries
Observations, Lessons and Rituals for Aries Season, Aries New Moon, Aries through the Zodiac Houses
+ Guided Meditation for Setting Boundaries
One of the most effective ways to step into your authority is by setting healthy boundaries; with yourself and others. Boundaries are guidelines to help you live a fulfilling and happier life. Guidelines to help strengthen your sense of self-respect and self-worth, guidelines to help you become more assertive and confident and be who you want to be, not how anyone else wants you to be.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac ruled by fire and considered the baby of the zodiac. Following Pisces, where we connect to the divine and return to the source that we were born from, Aries initiates our rebirth and transition from the non-physical plane to the physical plane. Aries teaches us about our instinctual and inherent right to exist in this physical plane. We learn how to be human and how to connect with Spirit; we learn how to exist and do both at the same time.
Our collective focus for Aries Season, will be to step into our authority, cultivate healthier boundaries, and liberate our self-image from external definitions.
This workshop includes:
A guidebook, observation and foundation to align yourself with the energies and learnings of Mars & Aries Season.
Altar suggestion for Aries Season.
Setting Boundaries meditation & workshop.
Astrological write-ups.
Supportive Foundations inside the Shala to further understand planetary energies, planetary days of the week, and Lunas’ Journey through the 12 houses.Access to previous workshops.
This workshop will guide you in exploring questions such as:
Where do I need to focus my energy?
How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my Spirit?
What am I being called to do?
What is a blockage that is causing my anger (Mars)?
How can I become more confident in my decision?
What areas of my life can I improve on? Remember that every decision you make constructs the reality you experience: who you are, what you see, what you do, who you meet, what you have is of your reflection. Trust in the power and strength of your decisions.