A Guided Meditation: Manifest, Release Doubts & Limitations

by Lara Noel


First audio file is the Capricorn Season Overview by Marie Satori

The second audio file is the Guided Mediation to release doubts by Lara Noel

It’s Capricorn Season, a time in the Northern Hemisphere where we are in the darkest parts of winter. Capricorn is the sign of hard work and determination. It is the archetype of the mountain goat, climbing slowly and steadily towards its goal, tackling whatever obstacle or boulder gets in its way. The mountain goat stands at the apex of the mountain. The place of eternal winter, and gifts us the wisdom, responsibility, practicality, determination, budgeting and planning. It’s Capricorns long-term planning, budgeting, and discipline that gives us the resources to face our fears of survival through the scarce, dark bleak winters.

This 15 Minute recorded guided meditation will welcome Capricorn Season and the New Year. During this guided meditation, we are going to explore an area of your life where you may be feeling doubt, stuck or limited. Maybe there's fear is coming up around success, failure, fear of change or responsibility. In this meditation, I'll help you create a place of resource or stability and then help you locate your chosen issue in and around your body. We'll see what sensations arise, what it has to share with you. We'll see what sensations arise, what it has to share with you, and what it needs to feel safe.

Please join SatoriShala.com as a Nomad or Manifestor, to access all the videos and lessons for Capricorn Season, that compliment this meditation.