Jan 10th - Cancer Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse

January 10, 2020 2:18 pm, EST
20 Degrees Cancer
Cancer Full Moon Eclipse
Oppose Mercury
Oppose Saturn
Oppose Pluto 
Sun Conjunct 
Saturn Pluto Conjunct January 12, @ 12:18 pm. EST
Jupiter Opposite North Node

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The Eclipse season is coming to an end but will surely go out with a bang. This is a jam packed, Capricorn heavy, Full Moon Cancer Eclipse that will deeply impact whatever house - area of life - you have Capricorn and Cancer in. This full moon is focused on helping us find grounding and stability in our lives, and helping us face any karmic challenges we have around success, family, and home. 

Those of us who’ve been working and following a path that’s in alignment with who we are will likely see some big forward progress and stabilization of their path. Those who’ve wandered off the path might be struggling to find some ground beneath themselves are trying to get back on track. Unfortunately Saturn/Capricorn can be brutal and unforgiving in it’s delivery of lessons and guiding us back to center. 

However, we can’t forget about the Cancer Full Moon, even with 5 planets in Capricorn. Cancer reminds us to take time out to nurture and nourish ourselves. Support is a big Cancer theme and we are all exploring what makes us feel emotionally supported and held during times of big change. Cancer shows us where we may be overextending ourselves and neglecting our own needs in order to support another’s. Codependency can often be an issue and if it’s coming up in your relationships now, it’s best to take time to discover your center and renegotiate boundaries so you feel more supported and cared for.  

Family dynamics, past or present, may be arising now and it’s important that we understand how our early childhood conditioning is affecting our current relationships. Familiarizing yourself with attachment styles and which one you may be, can help inform you on the best ways to care for yourself and also relate to others. This is a North Node Eclipse that’s helping us change these deep seated emotional responses so we can come into balance. 

This Full Moon in Cancer, and the fact that it’s an eclipse, will surely bring up more emotional content than usual. We may be overwhelmed at times. Not knowing quite how to handle the spectrum of emotions that change and loss brings. There’s a wealth of wisdom in our emotions and how we express them. 

WIth all the Capricorn focus, we may be experiencing physical symptoms that serve as the vehicle through which the emotions express themselves. Find ways to take breaks and handle your stress that are more gentle, loving, and kind. Capricorn can be stubborn, cold, and unemotional, so taking time out to recognize how and what we are feeling, and where it’s showing up in our body, can help us release the emotion in a slow and structured way. 

There may be moments when depression, anxiety, melancholy begin to permeate your being. Allow the emotions to move through you without thinking they’re going to last. Stuckness is a Capricorn theme. Set small goals everyday and try to complete them. Little things like going for a 10 minute walk, or doing a 5-10 minute meditation. This creates tangible evidence that you’re moving forward, and completing something that you held yourself accountable for. You can also find someone to share in this accountability process and check in with each other daily, or weekly. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish when you organize your thoughts and strategies. 

It’s ok to take small steps. This helps build self-confidence in accomplishing larger tasks in the future. And celebrate each completed task, regardless of how small it is. Focus on reframing your reality to include your accomplishments. It’s easy with 5 planets in Capricorn and a moody Cancer Full Moon to focus on the negative and feel sucked underneath a rip tide with no idea of when you might be released from it’s grip. These feelings are and deserve attention. And so do all the parts of you that help hold up and carry you through the day.

With Capricorn we can get too absorbed controlling everything around us. And with Saturn conjunct Pluto starting a new 28 year cycle we are sure to feel the stress and excitement of big changes. Both these planets are the most controlling of the zodiac, in different ways. Saturn controls due to fear of failure. Pluto controls due to lack of trust. Together they create the perfect storm of paranoia and obsessive behavior. If you’re in an abusive situation, things will likely become more intense, forcing you to make a change. 

These two planets also give us the capacity to make big changes and see a reality that we may have been missing previously. Transformations into new realities will propel us forward and bring us face to face with our shadow and this might feel uncomfortable. Loosening control brings up fears of overwhelm, failure, or even success. Cancer will help us soften and discover our emotional landscape. This full moon will help us identify our fears and make progress towards understanding them, and hopefully healing them so that we can move forward with confidence and resilience. 

Lots of opportunities are coming through to move ourselves forward in exciting and grounded ways. Now’s the time to really put down roots and keep building upon what you’ve been creating. If you’re experiencing a lot of loss or change that seems unbearable, simplify your day to day schedule and make sure to carve out time for self-care and nourishing practices. Eclipse seasons are not always easy, even if we are experiencing growth in positive ways. Slow down, connect with yourself, connect with nature, and find gratitude in all the support, however little it may seem, that you have in your life. 

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