May 22nd - Gemini New Moon

May 22, 2020 10:37 AM, 2 degrees Gemini

New Moon Trine Saturn
New Moon Ruler Mercury conjunct Venus retrograde in Gemini
Mercury/Venus in Gemini Square Neptune in Pisces 

Happy Gemini New Moon!

Many of us have started venturing out into the post-quarantine world, and many are still adhering to the stay-at-home protocol, whether it’s by choice or mandate. We’ve come through the Taurus/Scorpio portal changed and transformed, having explored the darkness, brought things to light, and established what our most important values are. 

Now Gemini season is arriving with a strong desire to network, share, and explore. It will be difficult to keep social distancing measures up during the communication and network focused Gemini season. And to add to it, we have Venus retrograde in Gemini and Mercury, Gemini’s rulers, also in Gemini… And… the North Node has just moved into Gemini for the next 18 months with the South Node moving into Sagittarius. That’s A LOT of Gemini. It’s no surprise that we are witnessing the unfolding of an information war through mainstream and social media that has many people holding strongly to their beliefs according to which information, or “truth,” they decide to believe. 

This time is all about collecting and sharing information, learning, exploring, challenging ideas and beliefs, scouring details and organizing data. We need to tread with caution however. Gemini is two-sided. A polarity within a singularity. And with this comes confusion, discord, conflicting facts, sometimes outright lies, and cognitive dissonance. The most valuable thing we can do with all the information coming at us is to question it, not in an accusatory way, but in an inquisitive way. 

The dark side of Gemini is that communication is used to their advantage through word salads, gaslighting, and lies and manipulation, in order to appease and connect with people, or to push their own motive. And with the current Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, you can bet that if there’s hidden motives and agendas being pushed, they will be unearthed.

The truth is, that we are so deeply down a rabbit hole of the unknown, that anyone claiming to have the “answer” is suspect and likely pushing an agenda, whether it be fame, power, or money, or simply gripping tightly to their reality, true or not, to feel a sense of control in a very powerless feeling time. The process of exploring the unknown, similar to the scientific process, comes with mistakes and trial and error, which can be unsettling when living it in real time. It starts with a hypothesis, then experiment, gather data, create conclusions, make a decision, and then do it all over again until we gather more information to make more informed decisions. 

We are living this in real time, at an accelerated pace, and it’s deeply destabilizing for many of us, and can cause some to hold tightly to an explanation of what’s happening and why, regardless of whether or not it's the truth. The best we can do is head caution, be respectful, and know that the information will be constantly changing. Perhaps not because someone lied or distorted facts, but because new information was brought to light based on experience and trial and error. You’re the only one who can decide which information you personally trust. And I urge you to question even that, because it may not be coming from an altruistic or credible source. 

To make the information storm even more fierce, Venus Retrograde and Mercury are in close conjunction in Gemini and in close Square to Neptune in Pisces. Confusion, lies, deception, betrayal, and loss are some of the darker manifestations of this energy. Everything I stated above about questioning information and reality holds true here to the nth degree. 

This combination of energy may also be bringing up grief, sadness, depression, and confusion. Mental health has been an increasingly growing topic as loneliness, uncertainty, loss, and lack of basic resources but extra strain on us. We may feel these experiences come to an apex during this time, but the beauty of Gemini is that it brings a levity to challenging situations. We can remind ourselves that the virtual community and connection are just moments away, and help is available. During this age, Gemini reminds us that sharing is limited by physical barriers, and we are expanding our idea of what is possible and what we need to feel cared for and loved.  

Within all this deconstruction is the re-envisioning of a new way of life. If we were somehow able to work together and find common ground, we could create it. Neptune offers us the ability to imagine and dream up the life we wish to live. Gemini provides us massive amounts of information and communication so we can work towards a collective beneficial strategy, and Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn Capricorn stellium will continue to expose and break down toxic systemic structures, giving us an opportunity to rebuild and re-empower the collective.  

With this Gemini centered chart, information, communication, and connection is the focal point of this next stage of reality. Perspectives come through with strength and conviction, but not all may be trustworthy or integral. This is the lesson now. Sift out what truth is for you, and hold it gently, as the path forward is literally being built as we take one step forward, and what’s true now, may not be by the time we put our foot down. Align yourself with those you can trust to hold your view with respect and you can reciprocate the same. Remember that information ripples out at lightning speed, exposing, informing, and connecting us is the most profound and impactful way. Choose your truth wisely, and hold it delicately. Impermanence is the only constant. 

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Lara Noel