Scorpio Season Guidebook

Scorpio Season: Oct 23 - Nov 21
Scorpio Theme:
Death, Transformation, Healing & Empowerment.
How can I connect more deeply with my ancestors?

As a special gift, and to introduce you to the new offerings inside, I’m sharing this Scorpio Seasons’ guidebook (Oct 23rd to Nov 21st).


This Scorpio Season Guidebook

What’s the benefit? With this guide, you are better informed on the month ahead. Becoming more empowered and prepared for the lessons for the Season. Living more in rhythm and in flow.

If you’re more of a visual learner, please watch the Scorpio Season foundation video and video guide that accompanies this guidebook (available to Nomad & Manifestor members). 

This Lunar guidebook assists you in setting and living your intentions for the Scorpio Season, and Scorpio New Moon. Inside you’ll find tools to guide you in planing your strategies, so you can make the best of what the Universe has to offer you this month. Once you’ve have a picture of the challenges and openings to come, you can navigate each moment, and live more in rhythm with the Universal energies that await you. As above, so below.

  • New Moon in Scorpio Write-up

  • Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio Write-Up

  • Receiving from the Universe & how to get out of your own way

  • Water Ritual for the Scorpio New Moon

  • Scorpio Season Observation & Teachings

  • Altar suggestions for the Scorpio New Moon & Ancestor Altars.

  • Tarot Major Arcana Affirmations - Pull a card and meditate on the meaning.

  • Affirmations and overview for all 12 zodiac signs.

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