Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

11:42 AM EST


It’s that time again. Mercury is turning retrograde, and it’s on the auspicious day of Halloween, aka All Hallows’ Eve, aka Samhain in Gaelic traditions, and the start of the Day of the Dead in Latin American traditions. Mercury retrograde alone is significant in helping us return to the past, clear up old baggage and unhealed relationships, review, reflect, and restore ourselves to health. 


However, this retrograde happens to be in Scorpio, the sign of our ancestors, of transformation, of death and rebirth, of unhealed wounds, and of empowerment. This aligns perfectly with this time of year, which is Scorpio season, and helps open the doorway, the portal between the seen and unseen worlds. We have direct access not only to our own potential for growth and healing but also healing and honoring our ancestors.

As with all Mercury retrogrades, we may not have all the facts, and there are likely to be misunderstandings and a desire to retreat into a safe space. Scorpio time is all about discovering what makes you feel safe, loved, respected. Trust issues during this retrograde will rear their head.

This time is internal, confusing, and seeping with emotional intensity. Mercury has also just finished a conjunction with Venus in Scorpio, who is about to move into Sagittarius the day after Mercury turns retrograde. As she leaves Scorpio, we are going to get a crash course in all things Scorpio. With these two planets dancing together in the most potent sign in the zodiac, during one of the most potent times of the year, you can expect our focus to be around relationships, sexuality, intimacy, abuse/power dynamics, and anything that will push us towards transforming ourself. 

Be careful of projection and of course communication. As with all Mercury retrogrades, we may not have all the facts, and there are likely to be misunderstandings and a desire to retreat into a safe space. Scorpio time is all about discovering what makes you feel safe, loved, respected. Trust issues during this retrograde will rear their head. If you’ve let behaviors in relationships slide, Mercury will now dig them up for you to examine.

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