August 29 - Mercury moves into Virgo

Ah, Mercury moving into his home sign of Virgo. He’s happy here, but with all the other planets in Virgo, we might be feeling a little Virgo overloaded right now. With Mercury here our thoughts are strong, analytical and even anxious. We are getting ready for the fall, going back to school and/or getting into a more regular routine. Include in that routine some meditation, mindfulness and body-centered practices to keep your mind and body healthy during this time. Try to avoid obsessing, perfectionist thinking and being overcritical. Virgo can easily focus on what’s not working. We think about what’s wrong with ourself and others, and may even suffer with feelings of guilt or inadequacy. Take small breaks during the day to quiet the mind. What we can focus all this energy on is getting organized! Creating order out of chaos is what Virgo does best, and especially Mercury in Virgo. Go through what is and isn’t working all systems of your life, from an observer’s perspective, and find practical ways to simplify and get more efficient. By the time Virgo season has finished, our life will have been completely reorganized for the better we will have learned to love ourself and others for all our imperfections!

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Lara Noel