July 31st / Aug. 1st - Leo New Moon , 8:11pm PST, 8 degrees Leo


Leo New Moon, July 31, 2019, 8:11pm PST, 8 degrees Leo

Sun, Ruler of Leo, in Leo

New Moon Conjunct Venus in Leo

New Moon Square Uranus in Taurus

New Moon Trine Chiron in Aries

Mercury Stationing Direct @ 24 degrees Cancer

Mercury in Cancer Opposite Pluto in Capricorn

Venus in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus

Venus in Leo Trine Chiron in Aries

Mars in Leo Inconjunct Neptune in Pisces

Leo asks us to embrace love in every area of our lives and the essence of love that exists within ourselves.

Happy New Moon in Leo!!! I typically say Happy regardless of what Moon we are being blessed with, but this one has the potential to be the happiest Moon of the year. Anyone with planets or points in Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio, between the 7-9 degrees marks will be feeling the tension of this New Moon most. 

We have 4 planets in Leo; Venus, Sun, Moon, and Mars all hanging out in playful, prideful, and dramatic Leo. If it weren’t for a few pesky aspects, which I’ll get into later, I’d say we’d all be having fun, creating, flirting, romanticising, loving, and laughing. Leo the Lion, King of the pride, bold, beautiful, heartful, loving, generous, and, playful, are the characteristics we can hope to embody during this new moon. We need to watch out for ego conflicts, unnecessary drama, entitlement, and selfishness. All of which can find their way into our behavior and create conflict in our relationships. Leo asks us to embrace love in every area of our lives, and the essence of Love that exists within ourself. Leo is the Divine Source of Creation manifested in physical form in each one of us. We can now get in touch with that place more easily and experience love in a new way.

Relationships, money, value, and creativity will be a big focus with Venus, the planet of Love, conjunct this New Moon. In fact she will also be starring in the upcoming Aquarius Full Moon on August 15, in opposition to that Full Moon. She brings extra flare, drama, and flirtation to an already firey and sexually charged chart. Not only is the heat reved up, but both Venus and the New Moon are Square Uranus in Taurus (Venus rules Taurus), and Trine Chiron in Aries. This energy is spontaneous, unpredictable, potentially healing, or hurtful, and possibly both! If there was ever a time to express the sexy, playful, and creative parts of yourself that you typically hide, now’s a time when they may be out in the open, intentionally or unintentionally. Step into it with confidence, a big heart, and humility. 

Another aspect during this Leo New Moon is Mars in Leo Inconjunct Neptune in Pisces. This energy can be deceptive, indulgent, and hedonistic as we take Mars in Leo’s drive for passion and self satisfaction, and combine it with Neptune’s addictive and secretive tendencies. It’s not all bad though, as this is a highly creative duo that can tap into the the experience of bliss and bring into form and expression. Choose wisely during this time. Our actions have consequences as much as Leo and Pisces would like not to believe. 

The biggest challenge with this New Moon is that Mercury in Cancer will be turning Direct within hours of it. While this is a cause for celebration, when any planet stations in the sky it amplifies its energy. And the trickster Mercury is no different. The undercurrent of this Leo dominant New Moon is wrought with potential misunderstandings, miscommunication, emotional triggers, and sensitivity. And what’s more is that Mercury is stationing in Opposition to our favorite planet, Pluto in Capricorn. So while Leo wants us to be fun and playful, Mercury and Pluto wants us to get serious about home and work life, emotional clarity, and power dynamics in relationships. 

If we aren’t careful, this mix of Leo, Cancer, Uranus, Chiron, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Pluto and Mercury can make for emotionally reactive, verbally manipulative/abusive, narcissistic, selfish, controlling and ego driven behavior that will leave us feeling confused and disempowered. If this is your experience, finding the right type of support to help you through will be essential. Most of us won’t be having such a degree of intensity, but we may still be working through themes of power, home, safety, success, and validation in our life. 

Mercury in Cancer reminds us that our needs are important and valid, and communicating them in a safe and nurturing space, will help us heal. Find who that person, or those people are in your life that see you, love you, and accept you for who you are. When we feel safe and secure in our life and environment, no longer being driven by flight/flight/freeze trauma responses, our creativity flourishes. We can relax, connect with ourself and others in a calm, curious, and playful way. We can share our authentic self without fear of ridicule or not being loved. This is the transition we are making now as we move from Cancer to Leo. A new self is born within safety, and in the process and we get to know and love that new self.

The positive expression of this dynamic New Moon is an understanding and healing of our emotional triggers, past traumas, and feelings of inadequacy. We can use what’s arising now as fuel for our creative works and projects. And perhaps the theme is the other way around. Maybe there’s frustrations around creative works not being seen, appreciated or validated. If we are having tantrums, inner or outer, the energy now supports us in connecting to that tantruming part of us that needs recognition. Can you give that recognition to yourself with love and kindness. Can you simply give that part of yourself permission to feel what it feels without judgement or expectation? Leo activates the confidence in us that is necessary to move beyond external criticism and validation, and step into our full unapologetic self.

There will be many of us who will be fully enjoying and relaxing into this playful Leo energy with minimal challenge. The Uranus Square will add to the excitement and unpredictability of love and playful creation. The Trine to Chiron will offer a much needed healing of past wounds. And the Mercury / Pluto Opposition will offer a sense of depth and intimacy to the passion and play surrounding us. I only offer a word of caution and that’s with Mercury Stationing, we may think our current behavior or words are acceptable and appropriate, but find out in the coming weeks that we messed up or someone misinterpreted us. The most well intended behavior can still generate hurt and confusion. So tread carefully with your words, actions, and flirtations. But have fun and stay humble, because Leo wouldn’t want it any other way!

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