September 28 - Libra New Moon

Libra New Moon September 28th 2019 11:26 am PST
5 degrees Libra

New Moon Opposite Chiron
New Moon Inconjunct Uranus

Ruler of New Moon Venus
Venus Conjunct Mercury
Venus Sextile Jupiter 
Venus Inconjunct Neptune
Venus Square Saturn
Venus Square Pluto
Saturn Opposite North Node

Happy Libra New Moon Everyone!!

It’s Libra season and not only is this New Moon highlighting Libra, but Mercury and Venus have been moving through this sign all month. Relationships have been a big focus, both intimate and business. Libra is playful, charismatic, charming, loving, talkative. They love connecting with others and exploring all types of relationships. However, sometimes their desire for connection causes them to lose themselves in others, and neglect their own needs for the sake of the relationship. 

Here is one of the biggest challenges that Libra comes up against. They can be people pleasing to a fault. Sometimes bending the truth, withholding information or outright lying are behaviors they participate in so everything can stay pleasant and balance on the surface. Avoiding conflict and discomfort, because they only want to experience harmony and connection. This breads resentment within them that they may also have difficulty facing, because hey, everything’s fine… right?? Hmmm, wrong, dear Libra. The discomfort is where we grow and the truth and darkness will surface eventually. And now may be one of those times.

With all the planets in Libra now, also means they are or have been in opposition to Chiron in Aries, and Square to both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and the Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn. 

This creates tension in relationships that force us to look at our codependency and trust issues, childhood wounds, and power dynamics. For some the outcome may look like a deepening commitment as fears are faced, overcome, and healed, and intimacy and trust increase. And for others the outcome may look like a separation or final parting of ways as the realization arises that things aren’t working out, values are different, and/or we are being treated poorly and disrespected.  

The balance of needs, and the desire for harmony is a major Libra theme. The journey to finding balance and harmony sometimes means that we must swing to opposite extremes and experience the discomfort of conflict and not getting exactly what we want. This journey is to help us understand and respect another’s perspective and hopefully have compassion for them. 

If there’s a desire to continue the relationship, it means there’s a willingness to tell the truth no matter what how much it disrupts harmony. It means being willing to meet in the middle and find a way where both needs can be met. If there’s no flexibility or desire to bend or give up certain needs, which is completely valid, then the relationship will likely dissolve or break for a time until there is willingness to change, or a change of circumstances occurs.

This New Moon is highlighting all these themes. It’s also in Opposition to Chiron and Inconjunct Uranus. This adds a layer of depth and excitement to this otherwise playful and charismatic sign. New information might create sudden changes or insight. We may have a new awareness around our triggers and wound. We may come face to face with our feelings of loneliness, abandonment, and rejection. 

If this is your experience, it’s giving you the fuel to change the way you’ve been doing things and seek out happiness and love within yourself. Dysfunctional or abusive situations can be let go during this time to make way for a new version of yourself and a new vision of future relationships. You may also be experiencing a breakthrough in a current relationship by facing what’s not been working and making clear changes in behavior and approach in order to shift the relationship dynamics permanently. 

Adding to this already intense energy is It’s a heavy feeling few days as Mercury Squaring Pluto and Venus, the ruler of this New Moon, Squaring Saturn and Pluto. Conversations could feel intense, our perhaps our own internal dialogue is seeking to understand ourselves better and the impulses or obsessions that brought us to the situation we’re in. Pluto unearths power dynamics and manipulative behaviour. But it also gives us the opportunity to empower ourselves in our relationships and create more intimacy. 

If there’s a desire to continue the relationship, it means there’s a willingness to tell the truth no matter what how much it disrupts harmony. It means being willing to meet in the middle and find a way where both needs can be met.

Saturn Square Venus encourages us to mature, and sometimes that means letting go of what isn’t working. Take note of the differences in values or imbalances that arise in relationships now. It’s time to have an honest talk about the reality of the situation either step up to the responsibility, or release it and move on. Just be aware that if you choose to release it, this choice isn’t coming from a place of fear, but rather creating better boundaries and valuing yourself above all else. 

There’s no stronger combination of energies than Venus and Pluto to transform love and intimate connections. These two together make us feel intensely out of control, obsessed, passionate, and seductive. But they can also inspire abusive and controlling behaviour, vengeance, manipulation, and betrayals. Trust issues are getting worked through now. And what that really means is how much do you trust yourself to make healthy choices. Do things that give you a sense of empowerment without needing to hold power over someone else. This aspect can bring us closer in our relationships, but it can also bring to the surface the darkness that’s been hiding and can no longer remain hidden and avoided.

The next strong aspect during this New Moon is Saturn Opposing the North Node. Saturn and the North Node have been dancing in Opposition to each other since late April. Back and forth, as Saturn moves retrograde and now direct again. The Saturn theme is doubled with the South Node in Capricorn, Saturn’s ruling sign. Saturn points us to the Karma we need to clear up this lifetime. 

When Saturn and Capricorn themes are strong in the collective, it means we are coming face to face with issues regarding responsibility, success, accomplishments, and authority. If you haven't owned or masters these areas of your life up until now, life will make it uncomfortable for you until you face your fears and clear up the Karmic baggage. Family life may also be highlighted. You may become a new parent, or need to show up for your family or parents in a more present and supportive way. Lean into the discomfort and face it. 

With all the triggers and changes arising right now, remember that Libra’s strength is to find common values and perspectives and create a solid ground and foundation for healthy relationships. Keep asking yourself what you value and need above all else, and how that fits into the lives of those around. Sacrificing your needs is ok on occasion, but the buildup of resentment when you neglect yourself will create serious challenges. Honesty, self-love and self-care will help create trust and harmony in your relationships in the long run. And most of all it will help strengthen your own self-trust. 

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