September 23 - Sun moves into Libra & Autumn Equinox


It’s Libra Season and the Autumn Equinox! We’ve reached a balancing point between the day and night as we move from Summer into Fall, Light into Dark. It’s harvest time of the year as we take what we’ve been actively cultivating during the Summer season and reap the rewards. It’s also the time when we begin to go inward. As the days become shorter we conserve our energy and resources, and think about cultivating relationships internal support and security. 

As the Sun moves into Libra he joins Venus and Mercury! Three personal planets in the sign of balance, love, and relationships. We desire connection, love, and admiration. Being alone feels awkward and incomplete. However if loneliness is setting in, it’s an invitation to explore all the barriers that are keeping you from connecting with another. Is it fear, selfishness, pickiness, or criticism that keeps us at a distance from others.

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