September 25-26 - Mercury Square Pluto, Venus Square Saturn

It’s a heavy feeling few days as Mercury Squares Pluto and Venus Squares Saturn. Situations are triggering and feelings of rejection or abandonment may arise. Conversations could feel intense, our perhaps our own internal dialogue is seeking to understand ourselves better and the impulses or obsessions that brought us to the situation we’re in. Pluto unearths power dynamics and manipulative behavior. However, it also gives us the opportunity to empower ourselves in our relationships and create more intimacy. Saturn Square Venus encourages us to mature, and sometimes that means letting go of what isn’t working. Take note of the differences in values or imbalances that arise in relationships now. It’s time to have an honest talk about the reality of the situation either step up to the responsibility, or release it and move on. Just be aware that if you choose to release it, this choice isn’t coming from a place of fear, but rather creating better boundaries and valuing yourself above all else.

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libra seasonLara Noel