New Moon Conjunct Mercury Retrograde New Moon Sextile Mars in Capricorn New Moon Sextile Uranus in Taurus Mars in Capricorn Opposite North Node in Cancer Mars Square Chiron in Aries Venus in Aries Square Jupiter in Capricorn
Written by Lara Noel
Happy Pisces New Moon and Mercury Retrograde - in Pisces. Anyone with planets or points at the 4 degrees mark in Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo, or Gemini will be feeling this New Moon strongest. As well as anyone with planets or points between 12 degrees Pisces and 28 degrees Aquarius, and especially in Mutable signs of Gemini, Sagittarius, and Virgo, and Fixed signs of Scorpio, Taurus, and Leo, will be feeling Mercury Retrograde most. Pisces season is the hardest time of year for me. I have the sign of Pisces in my 12th house, the Pisces house, which is also the largest house axis of my chart. And typically, during this time of year, there’s at least one or two other planets in Pisces. Again, also in my 12th house. Venus just moved out of Pisces a couple weeks ago; the Sun is now here, along with Mercury, who is steadily moving backward. And Neptune, Ruler of Pisces, is also here to stay for the long haul.
So why is this the hardest time of the year for me? Because Pisces can be like a wet blanket over every aspect of life. I typically get sick for an extended period, and/or go through some grieving process. Along with this comes some difficulty motivating to do anything! I’m unclear, confused, and lacking in confidence in myself and in my next steps forward. However, my artistic inspiration gets ignited, and my desire to explore film, photography, acting, dancing, and baking, yes, cooking, begins to fill my thoughts. I also have strong Pisces/Neptune signatures in my chart, so anytime Pisces or the 12th house gets activated in my chart, so do my Neptunian tendencies. These are all themes that many of us might be immersed in now, especially if you have strong Pisces or Neptune in your birth chart. Depending on where Pisces falls in your chart is where you’ll be experiencing the most activity. Be aware of the tendency to wallow in self-pity or depression, or start to indulge in addictive behavior to avoid your feelings.
The best use of Pisces energy is to rest, retreat, reflect, meditate, and connect with creative expressions. You’ll have the best chance of surviving this time if you recognize that you may not be outwardly productive, but an enormous amount is going on behind the scenes… in your subconscious and in your daily life. Although New Moons often mean beginnings and planting new seeds, this Pisces New Moon is more about reconnecting, recovering, and reworking. With Pisces, we also need to be on the lookout for people or situations that aren’t as they seem.
People may consciously or unconsciously try to manipulate or deceive you or hide information from you that would have you make different decisions for yourself. And of course, we can’t forget that Mercury is hanging out in Pisces, and retrograde as of February 16. So all this rest, relax, go internal type of energy going on is now amplified 10 fold. So is the confusion, addictive behavior, lack of clarity, and deception increases by 10 fold. Make sure you’re triple-checking everything, backing things up, asking others to look over documents and work, ask questions, and prepare yourself for mistakes and do-overs.
Aside from this strong Pisces and Mercury retrograde energy, we have some other substantial planetary aspects as work on this New Moon. First, Venus in Aries is precisely Squaring Jupiter in Capricorn. Tighten your purse strings and pay special attention to your bank account and wallet, losing or getting it stolen in particular. This aspect mixed with Pisces and Mercury retrograde energy can be a recipe for disaster. You might think about purchasing a big-ticket item only to regret it in a few weeks when planets go direct and shift out of Pisces. You might also see unexpected costly repairs or unavoidable expenses popping up that need to be taken care of ASAP. We may also see issues at work arise with funding, finances, and salaries. Sometimes no matter how much we prepare, we still can’t escape this planetary whirlwind. There is a potential for an influx of money or financial opportunity with this Square, but I caution that with Mercury retrograde, it might not be all that it seems!
Venus/Jupiter energy has just as much to do with finances as it does with love and relationships. And because Mercury is retrograde, we may see past lovers come into our lives again, creating all sorts of confusion in feelings. Current relationships may need to take a breather as boundaries, and power dynamics are renegotiated. Remember that deception is more likely during Retrograde time, so make carefully considered choices. This could, however, be a time of increased romance, time for vacation, and love. Try not to let expectations get too high and prepare for miscommunications or a mix up in plans. Things might run smoothly, but it doesn’t hurt to actively keep your feet on the ground since Pisces is known for having their head in the clouds.
Another active player in the skies right now is Mars. Mars in Capricorn is Opposing the North Node in Cancer and Squaring Chiron in Aries. We may be revisiting some past actions that are having an effect on our present moment. This could result in past actions we’ve done or other actions that have had an impact on us. Any hurt or pain that was caused by these actions is showing up to be healed. With the North Node in Cancer, it could have to do with family or home/work life, our ability to give or receive, or issues around codependency vs. independence. When the Nodes are involved in any aspect, there’s a focus on where we’ve come from and where we’re heading. We may need to clear up these past transgressions to move forward. Forgiveness could be a critical factor in this process. Forgiveness for ourselves or for another. We may also be revisiting habits from the past that have caused pain or isolation. Mars in Capricorn is actually in his happy place here, and can typically get an enormous amount of work accomplished. If it weren’t for Mercury retrograde, we’d have a different type of energy coming through now. This doesn’t mean stop working, it just means that expecting outward results from your efforts may not happen for another few weeks. Luckily Mars will have reached the halfway mark in Capricorn when Mercury turns direct on March 9. This Mars 3 more weeks in Capricorn to prove his strength! Have patience, keep working, and motivating so you’ll be prepared to launch when the energy shifts! Lots to consider during this Pisces New Moon. Not always the easiest one of the year for some of us, but hopefully I’ve helped give you some insight into what to expect and how to handle it! This time is about having patience, self-care, grounded expectations!