Nov 12 - Taurus Full Moon

November 12, 2019, 8:32 AM, EST 20 Degrees Taurus

Full Moon Opposite Mercury in Scorpio 
Full Moon Trine Pluto 
Full Moon Trine Saturn
Ruler of Full Moon Venus in Sagittarius
Venus Square Neptune in Pisces
Jupiter in Sagittarius Sextile Mars in Libra. 

Happy Full Moon in Taurus! We’ve made it through the Scorpio New Moon. Have just passed the midway point of Mercury Retrograde. And now we are entering some much needed Taurus earth energy to ground the transformative and uncomfortable season of Scorpio. Full moons naturally bring oppositions and differing perspectives into focus. They highlight relationships in our lives and ask us to find some kind of balance or negotiation. Full Moons bring our unconscious to light and remind us that our emotions are our teachers, as uncomfortable as it may be to experience them.

Taurus reminds us to come home to our body and to ourselves to helps us find stability. It reminds us to enjoy the earthly pleasures of our senses through taste, touch, sound, and sight. Taurus reminds us that there is beauty to be found and created in every situation; that nature is a place where we can find sanctuary and comfort; that we are connected to the earth at all times and interconnected; that what we do to our self and to the earth ripples out and affects the collective.

We may now see the seeds of the intentions we set during the Scorpio New Moon begin to manifest. With Mercury retrograde we may need to tweak and reorganize things, but we are on our way to seeing the visible effects of our transformative time. Taurus gives us the resources to keep moving towards our goals. It can also remind us of the resources we need to get there. 

The shadow side of Taurus is scarcity, focusing too much on the material, and becoming obsessed with attaining money and things to reflect our self worth. During this Taurus Full Moon we get clear about how valued we think we are. We see where we may put too much importance on using the external world as a measure of value for our own personal worth. Be careful of falling into this pitfall of thinking your are not worthy or valuable if you don’t have money or material possessions. Of course this is a lot easier said than done. Having money can make life less stressful. It provides us with a sense of security and comfort that can add to or even falsely replace internal security.

The opposition between the Scorpio Sun and Taurus Moon gives us a chance to see the polarity between our inner sense of resource and security - Scorpio - and our external sense of resource and security - Taurus. Both or inherently valuable and useful. With Scorpio we can become too focused on using other people’s resources in order to further ourself. And with Taurus we can become too focused on acquiring money and possessions at the expense of connecting with others. Both ask us to look outside at what we value and consider important in our lives. And both require that we look inside at how much we value ourself and how we allow others to treat us. 

This opposition also highlights the places we may be stubborn and inflexible as opposed to the Scorpio quality of flowing with the unknown mystery. Both Taurus and Scorpio can hold onto control for dear life. Part of Scorpio’s lesson is to force us into letting go of that control and discovering that the only thing we can control are our decisions and actions. Taurus’ lesson is to let go of the need to control money and finances out of fear of lack or scarcity. 

This Full Moon is also in opposition to Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, and Trine to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. We can expect our career to be a focus now. Or perhaps just reflecting on the authority in our lives and if we are giving away too much of our power to others. Communication around relationships, shared resources, debt, and finances are sure to be a main theme as well, as Mercury retrograde is reminding us to reorganize our finances. If we haven't been keeping track of our monetary situation, or things have gone out of control, we are definitely going to be reviewing these now. Capricorn reminds us it’s time to mature and grow up and take steps that ensure our future success. 

The ruler of this Full Moon, Venus, is in Sagittarius and Square Neptune Pisces. Which may undermine some of this grounded earthy energy. Venus in this combination may have us overly optimistic and confused about what is actually possible. In Sagittarius she is inspired, creative, playful, and optimistic. This could help keep us moving forward with our visions and goals, but a square to Neptune in Pisces will likely confuse reality from illusion. We may reach farther than we actually have the resources to support our self. We may also be facing the repercussions of past actions or choices where we thought we had enough, but are now left with little to nothing to keep us going. 

Relationships situations also apply here. Be careful of deceit and outright lying. Taurus enjoys sensual pleasures and Scorpio loves to impulsively indulge in them. Past lovers may come back, igniting a spark that you thought had past. Or perhaps you’re learning new information that helps bring healing and more intimacy or creates more distance and closure. With Mercury retrograde we will eventually have to face our actions and choices. If you think you’ve succeeded in keeping them hidden, Think again. Scorpio hangs out our dirty laundry for all to see.  

And lastly we have Jupiter in Sagittarius sextile Mars in Libra. This can give us a momentary boost of energy to get some goals accomplished. It can also amp up passive-aggressive behavior and show us where we’ve been holding on to resentments and anger that need to be dealt with. 

Taurus Full Moon will give us a much needed overhaul of the financial and relationship areas of our life. It will also give us a much needed review on how we see and value ourself. Coming out of this full moon we will feel more connected to ourself, and empowered to make choices that reflect this new sense of value and self worth. This Scorpio season is creating a new identity of our choosing that is more in alignment with how we want to live life. Start envisioning it! And Taurus will help create it!