One more planet joining Mercury and the Sun in Scorpio! Mars is at home in Scorpio, in contrast to his stay in Libra. Here he’s energized, independent, direct, and focused more his natural temperament than people-pleasing Libra. Be ready to feel the angst that’s been suppressed over the last month. We are liberated into honesty and digging deep to uncover the motivations behind present and past actions. There’s no escape with Mars in Scorpio. Mars is clear on what he wants to accomplish, and he takes the necessary steps to reach his goal. Get ready for your libido to be supercharged and be discerning about those you engage with. Not everyone will be as gentle as you hope, though you may find you like that kind of thing now. ;) Seductive, secretive, and slow burning with mystery and desire. This is what Mars feels like in Scorpio. This can also be a highly manipulative and power-hungry combination, and we may be seeing more fights and outbursts than usual. Channel the energy in healthy ways that create integrity and honesty in relationships instead of manipulation and aggression. Even with Mercury in Retrograde, Mars in Scorpio will help us get clear on what we want and have a plan on how to get it!