Dec 12th - Gemini Full Moon

December 12, 2019, 12:11am, EST, 19 Degrees Gemini
Full Moon Inconjunct Pluto, Venus, Saturn in Capricorn
Full Moon Loosely Square Neptune in Pisces
Mars in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces
Jupiter in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus
Jupiter in Capricorn Square Chiron in Aries
Pluto, Venus, Saturn Conjunct in Capricorn

Happy Gemini Full Moon! Well we are officially in the middle of the Holiday Season and trying to stay ahead of our “to do” list. This Gemini Full Moon will help us get a little more organized and thoughtful about carrying out our days. Gemini is about networking, thinking in systems, teaching, communicating, writing, and organizing. Gemini helps us keep a light perspective as we move in and out of challenges, adapting easily to circumstances. Always curious, always thinking, always learning, and always eager to make new friends.

However, we all know that Gemini is the sign of the twins, so while one part of this sign is playful and friendly, the other side may be selfishly scheming new ways to get ahead through their friendships. Gemini is the trickster, with shapeshifter qualities adapting and changing to what you want them to be. And careful what you share with them. Gossip is a known trait and they can’t seem to keep their mouth shut. So while they’re loyally listening to one person in the moment, they may share those secrets with someone else the next. 

This survival mechanism helps them get through life and take advantage of every opportunity to network and make friends. They typically have huge success with this tactic, until people realize they are superficial, fickle, and untrustworthy. Often Gemini’s don’t see anything wrong with their behavior. They are, after all, being friendly and accommodating.

One thing we love about Gemini’s is their light, curious, and playful energy, and that’s what we have access to now. While focus might be difficult during this Gemini Full Moon, we can make use of all our ideas and thoughts if we write things down and find a helpful system to stay on track. This Full Moon is also loosely squaring Neptune in Pisces, so we need to be extra careful not to embody the shadow side of Gemini by gossiping, telling lies, or not following through. We also need to be careful about interacting with others who might not be as honest as we think they are. Neptune creates illusion, secrets, and hidden agendas. It also increases the likelihood of addictive and destructive behaviors, so do whatever you can to avoid going down this trap. 

Mars in Scorpio is also activating Neptune in a trine. Repressed aggression and anger can come out sideways if we don’t make a conscious effort to deal with them. Our actions may seem in vain or like we are sabotaging our self. This can add to the frustration, so try to be present in the moment and think before you react. 

Full Moons and Neptune are associated with the unconscious so you might see and experience more emotions than usual, deep misunderstandings, loss, or betrayals during this time. If confusion, anger, or grief set in, find healthy ways to face it. Avoiding the issues will only cause more pain in the future. 

If this feels overwhelming already, I haven’t even touched on the Pluto, Venus, Saturn conjunction in Capricorn that’s inconjunct this Full Moon. Pluto and Saturn will complete their conjunction in the beginning of January. This is a power combination, and in Capricorn it brings and added element of karmic unfolding and exponential growth. Maturity is a Capricorn signature and as we mature we can often hit up against limitations, obstacles, and lessons on our path forward. 

With Venus passing over these two, growth and maturity will be in the areas of finances, love, and values. Venus loves the stability and reliability of Capricorn. However, there’s a tendency for restricted affection. Demonstrations of love tend to be more practical and less romantic. Her combination with Pluto and Saturn brings strong elements of control and potential manipulation. Challenges experienced now can push you to the edge of your boundaries and limits, and force change and evolution. We’ll be balancing the opposing desires of staying within our comfort zone, while recognizing we need change in order to move forward our better our situation. 

During this time, consider what your most important values are and if you are being valued to the highest extent. You may be changing jobs or letting go of relationships. You might be getting a raise and taking on new responsibilities in work and family life. Whatever shifts are occurring, it’s time to reevaluate your purpose and place in the world, and move forward in the direction that feels more in alignment with your value and worth. 

Another strong influence teaming up with this already potent Venus/Saturn/Pluto conjunction is Jupiter, newly arrived in Capricorn, squaring Chiron in Aries and trine Uranus in Taurus. The New Moon’s have recently been falling in early degrees and activating Chiron and Uranus who are also in early degrees of Aries and Uranus. We’re already familiar with this energy and Jupiter now is activating them and giving us a strong push forward. Jupiter expands what it touches and will amplify our need for change and healing. 

Jupiter also brings opportunities. If an opportunity is showing itself, but you’re feeling insecure or triggered by it, explore the “why” behind those feelings. See how your own self-perception and self limiting beliefs have been keeping you from expanding into your greatness. Jupiter encourages us to take up space! Be bold. Move beyond your faulty perceptions and see who you really are. This next year with Jupiter in Capricorn we’ll be exploring these themes further as he reminds us that finding our internal sense stability and structure can actually be immensely liberating!

This Gemini Full Moon is likely one of the strongest during this year with a Capricorn heavy chart focused on growth, change and maturity. Find your internal point of focus so you can weather whatever emotional storm you may be experiencing. This Full Moon reminds us that our life is precious and we need to make bold moves if we are to live a life of love and authenticity!

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