13 Card Yes/No Tarot Spread

Practitioners will often consult their tarot cards, the Spirits, before performing a ritual. They divine to see the likely success of a ritual before doing the work. The most popular tarot spread for diving the outcome of a ritual is this 13-card yes/no tarot spread. The framework of this tarot spread is to count up to 13 cards in three separate piles, looking for an Ace: Ace of Wands, Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords, or Ace of Pentacles. To begin, take one card at a time and place it face-up in a pile, counting until either an Ace is revealed or 13 cards have been drawn. If an upright Ace is revealed before reaching the number 13, restart the counting process in a new pile to the right until an upright Ace appears; stop at three piles.

  • If you count to 13 and no Ace’s appear, restart the counting process in a new pile to the right. Count to 13, and repeat this for three piles.

  • If an upright Ace is revealed before reaching the number 13, restart the counting process in a new pile to the right until another upright Ace appears; stop at three piles.

  • If a reversed Ace (Ace of Cups, Swords, Wands, Pentacles) surfaces, the answer is a no. Reshuffle the tarot cards and ask another question to see how you may have better success for your desired outcome.

Tip: When you’ve finished laying out the cards, you can read the top card on each pile as a three-card tarot spread for further insights on the likely outcome.

Yes: Three upright Aces. This suggests a very successful outcome, with little resistance from Spirit.

Weak Yes: One upright Ace in the last pile; this outcome is a Yes, but it is considered a weaker Yes. You might need additional energy to support the work or to shorten the timeline.

Maybe: Two upright Aces and the third Ace are reversed. This suggests that the outcome may be positive, but you may need to reconsider the type of ritual, or your approach. You can look at the cards beneath the reversed Ace for supporting information.

No: One reversed Ace in the first pile. The outcome is No. You can look at the cards beneath the reversed Ace for supporting information on the block.

No: One reversed Ace in the second pile. The outcome is a No. You can look at the cards beneath the reversed Ace for supporting information on the block.

Yes: Three upright Aces surfaced within the first six cards for each pile. When Aces surface quickly, in all three piles, it suggests tremendous positive, energetic support for your intention.