Pisces Season: Lucid Dreaming & Dream Symbolism


The art of Lucid Dreaming allows one to work directly with one's mind and is a psychic skill we’ll focus on strengthening during Pisces season, the Pisces Full Moon or when your 12th house is illuminated. Pisces gifts us access to channel what swims in the depths of our unconsciousness.

Pisces requires us to be in flow with the unconscious current, and lean heavily into our intuition and dreams. However, Lucid Dreaming can be observed and developed at any time your intuition calls your awareness to it; or when your 12th house is illuminated. You can learn more about Pisces energy in Foundation 3.

One of the most effective ways to influence positive change in your life is to work in tandem with your conscious and unconscious mind. The art of Lucid Dreaming allows one to work directly with one's mind; becoming self-aware, "awake," within a dream. As you develop this skill, you can adjust and create a shift in your unconscious, allowing for significant shifts on the surface.

Lucid Dreaming can become a powerful path to greater awareness, heightened creativity, and spiritual awakening. Buddhism uses the mind to work with the body. In Vajrayana Buddhism ("vehicle of skillful means"), there are techniques of dream yoga guiding one to wake up to reality.

The word "Buddha" comes from the Sanskrit root budh, meaning "to awaken;" denotes one who has awakened from the deep sleep of ignorance. Are we the most spiritually awake in sleep, and the most asleep in waking "reality"? Lucid Dreaming can be leveraged to practice new skills or rehearse an activity. Dream control is developing self-control. Dreaming with greater awareness can also help develop intuition and reveal hidden knowledge (even about ourselves); it may also allow communication with others.

Tarot Spread

1 ~ What was the theme of this dream?

2 ~ How can I better understand {event from dream}?

3 ~ Why was {person in dream} in my dream?

4 ~ How is this dream influencing my waking life?

5 ~ How can this dream help further inform/guide me?

6 ~ What is the main lesson of this dream?

Marie Satori