Taurus Season: Wesak Festival & Scorpio Full Moon


This Tarot Spread was created by @newagehipster333 and shared with permission

The Scorpio Full Moon is known as one of the most potent full moons of the year.  It is celebrated in the Buddhist tradition in the Festival of Wesak, or the Festival of the Buddha, in which it is said, that during the special full moon, the Buddha comes to make his annual appearance. It is a time when the wisdom of Buddha is shared and his teachings and compassion revered. It is a time of regeneration and transformation when we get to take a look at what’s behind that closed door. 

1. Where you’re at on the path to enlightenment?

2. What you can do today to bring more love and light to your life & the world.

3. What to be worked on long term to reach higher levels of consciousness?

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Marie Satori