April 22nd - Taurus New Moon

April 22, 2020, 3 degrees Taurus, 7:25pm PST

New Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus
New Moon Square Saturn in Aquarius 
Venus in Gemini Trine Mars in Aquarius
Venus in Gemini Square Neptune in Pisces

Happy Taurus New Moon Everyone! We are starting another Lunar cycle to set new intentions and refocus our energy towards the gifts that Taurus brings. Telling time right now is an elusive task, and we are returning to our connection of the cycles of the seasons, the cycles of the sun and the moon. Taurus brings us back to the earth and the receptivity, femininity, and cyclical nature of life. Within all that we have experienced and faced over the last few months, it has truly uncovered our resourcefulness, resiliency, and creativity. This is what Taurus is about. 

With Taurus, we focus on the tangible. What have we built, created, accumulated? This could be wealth, family, community, a legacy. Taurus reminds us that our resources are valuable, and when we are reduced to minimal resources, we discover our priorities and just what it is we value. This time of Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter conjunction is stripping us bare so we can see the ugliness of capitalism and the lack of support that exists systemically. We are being forced to shoulder the burden of incompetence at the most basic and fundamental levels. Taurus exposes where we are lacking, and how to create something out of essentially nothing. 

From this nothingness, we can create beauty. Venus-ruled Taurus loves aesthetics and thrives on beautifying space, even with very little. During this New Moon, we can focus on what our values are and then take clear tangible steps towards creating a life that aligns with those values. At a time where we may be feeling lack more than abundance, and with Venus moving into retrograde motion, finding beauty in mundane moments of life, and focusing on what we value, will help keep us from falling into an abyss of lack thinking. These next two months, in particular, we’ll be focusing on, and organizing our finances and relationships.

This New Moon is also square Saturn in Aquarius and Conjunct Uranus in Taurus. If the pressure and feeling of limitation haven’t hit you yet, it might feel like a ton of bricks during the New Moon. Saturn strips away all that is unreal, immature, and unevolved. Often he does this through pushing us against the wall and forcing us to face something we may have been avoiding. In doing so he’s giving us the gift of discovery. With Uranus and Aquarius themes so connected to this new moon, we are discovering new ways and approaches to achieving a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. 

Uranus also has a way of stripping away any sense of stability, and in doing so, reminds us of our anchor within. Many of us are needing support now, and it's possible that we may see a sudden change in our circumstances, and perhaps government support finally coming through. Or we may be disappointed in the lack of support being offered and have to navigate the rough waters without it. Community support is going to be tested during this time as the collective can no longer turn away from a lack of resources available to those in need. 

A collective outcry is long overdue, and we might be seeing one during this New Moon. Uranus reminds us that revolutions happen when the common people rise up and demand equality. We are pushing up against the Saturn and Capricorn status quo and asking to dismantle it, re-envision it, and recreate it. The virus has catalyzed the process, and we are the ones who will continue it. 

On a personal level, we are being pushed to our own personal limits and being asked to create a new identity. Being reborn requires faith, courage, and the vision to see a new life and reality beyond our outdated personal and cultural conditioning. If there was ever an ideal opportunity to redefine and reinvent ourselves, now is it. And Taurus wants us to think closely about what and who we love and value, and weave those threads into the fabric that is being created after the fallout from this time. 

Venus, ruler of this New Moon, is also in her shadow period and weeks away from turning retrograde in a square to Neptune! We can get through this rough ride together. Relationships will be tested, finances will be challenged, but if we make smart moves, and stay focused on what’s real and tangible, what we have control over, and cultivate community and family bonds, then we can weather the storm. 

So as with any New Moon, we can use this time to set intentions and visualize what we want in our life. With Taurus the focus is on love, relationships, values, resources and finances. If you are one of the many experiencing a time of lack, focus on what resources you do have, and how you can magnify and best utilize them. Also, take the time to visualize what more you want to bring in and how you’d like to see yourself in a different and more abundant life. While these intentions and techniques can help, remember to tend to the daily physical reality, and keep yourself and your loved ones safe and feeling loved and supported moment by moment. 

Lara Noel