August 23 - Sun moves into Virgo

Virgo is seeping into every part of our being now as the Sun makes his entrance in the sign of the Divine Feminine. We focus a little more on ourself, our eating habits, our health, and our exercise habits. Now’s the time to rest and really listen to your body. Anxiety and health issues are likely to flare if you continue the same toxic habits that have slid by for too long. This could be habits relating to your body, lifestyle and relationships. This could also be habits and patterns relating to your work environment. Often with Virgo, our accomplishments and efforts go unseen or unappreciated. Use this time to explore which area in your life you are giving too much of yourself without proper recognition or compensation. Being of service is a core aspect of Virgo, but this can lead to burnout and lack of confidence when your service isn’t appreciated. 

*** We should also note that the Sun and Mars will be traveling together during the last week of August and the first week of September, creating a dynamic and firey duo that could cause outbursts of anger, irritation, and impulsivity. Left unchecked we may find ourselves getting into accidents, hurting ourself, and/or having sickness or fevers. Breathe. Self-care is essential during this time!

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virgo seasonLara Noel