September 16-17 - Mercury and Venus Opposite Chiron
“We are now coming face to face with the challenges of opposing needs. During this time our wounds are triggered, conversations may be painful, and we may feel unloved, unseen, unmet in various ways. You may need to take time alone to gain some perspective and heal what’s been ruptured.”
We’ll be needing empathy and compassion during these two days as Mercury and then Venus in Libra Opposite Chiron in Aries. We are now coming face to face with the challenges of opposing needs. During this time our wounds are triggered, conversations may be painful, and we may feel unloved, unseen, unmet in various ways. You may need to take time alone to gain some perspective and heal what’s been ruptured. You may need to connect more deeply with another to communicate so both sides can feel seen and heard. It’s possible the situation isn’t what it seems and that it’s the projection of your wound that has created pain you’re feeling now. What’s arising is perfectly showing you what needs healing within yourself. What is outside of us is a reflection of what’s inside. If you are in a situation that is unhealthy, then the pain that’s arising is showing you that better boundaries needs to be established, and a new direction and choice may need to be made.