Jan 24 - Aquarius New Moon

Setting and living your intentions allows you to focus on who you are in the moment, to recognize and live your values, and to raise your emotional and physical energy. Take the time to meditate, plan your strategies, and gather your resources so you can make the best of what the Universe has to offer you each month. Once you’ve have a picture of the challenges and openings to come, you can navigate each moment, and live in rhythm with the Universal energies that await you. As above, so below.

Aquarius New Moon, 4:44pm EST, 4 Degrees Aquarius

New Moon Square Uranus in Taurus
Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Mars in Sagittarius Square Venus/Neptune in Pisces
Pluto Conjunct Saturn

Happy Aquarius New Moon! We’ve made it through Eclipse season finally! Maybe you’re a little bruised and sore. And maybe you came out winning! Whatever transpired over the last several weeks, we are now looking for new ideas and perspectives to give us the inspiration to keep moving forward. With the New Moon in Aquarius, we are considering how we can make the deepest impact in our community, both global and local. We are reflecting on our work in the world and if it’s of benefit and helping the collective consciousness move to its highest potential. 

Aquarius is the sign of the Waterbearer. Bringing this life affirming element to all, he is altruistic in his intentions and always thinking about creating a better future. This sign is associated with technology, communication, vision, and idealistic goals. He creates inventions and systems that help move humankind forward. Aquarius reminds us that we are part of a global community and that we must consider all races and genders our friends and family. 

However, sometimes the visionary and ahead of the times qualities that Aquarius holds makes it difficult for them to fit in. Aquarius is the Rebel, a non-conformist, breaking down oppressive societal norms and structures that keep us in the status quo. They may need to be aware of rebelling just for the sake of it instead of for a greater purpose. People with strong Aquarius or Uranus in their charts may often feel alienated or on the fringe of society, with their unique look, ideas, and values. This can make it difficult for them to feel connected to others and for others to connect with them. Inventors and scientists who brought new and useful ideas that have challenged current values, have historically been cast aside, invalidated and disgraced, only to see their ideas and discoveries validated many years later, sometimes even after they’ve passed. 

Aquarius is also more detached and independent than many of the other signs. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and can be unpredictable and aloof when it comes to human connection. They tend to keep a distance from emotional experiences and intimacy but this doesn’t mean that they are unfeeling. They may just have a difficult time accessing and expressing their emotions. Aquarius/Uranus is also associated with traumatic experiences, which can cause dissociation and a distancing for emotions so they can continue to function. Sometimes the root of their distancing lies in a traumatic event, and sometimes it's just part of their personality. They are highly intelligent, intuitive and inspired, but may be challenged with emotional connection and expression. 

This New Moon is Squaring it’s ruler Uranus in Taurus, adding an extra feeling of change an instability to our life. We will be exploring what community we feel most comfortable in, and what we need to change in our lives, not our self, in order to feel like we can express our most authentic self. Circumstances may suddenly change and our perspective of reality might shift, perhaps in uncomfortable ways. We may also be exploring new forms of study or ideas that expand our minds and hearts. 

Breakthroughs are a signature Uranus/Aquarius trait, so whatever you’re experiencing now, find ways to support your nervous system. This energy can feel electrifying, uncomfortable and yet exciting! 

We may also find ourself in intensely uncomfortable situations that bring up past traumas or we may be experiencing one currently. Other aspects that we are feeling strongly is Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces and Mars in Sagittarius squaring Venus/Neptune. A strong Pisces energy means we need to be aware of self sabotage and addictive behavior that undermines our goals. If the emotions are too strong, find healthy ways to handle it.  If you’re having difficulty handling the energy, find people and places that feel supportive. Perhaps a walk in nature, listening to music, or creating art, will help channel this disruptive energy and move through grief, disappointment and sadness. 

We also need to be careful about people how may consciously or unconsciously try to deceive us and this could be directly related to love, money and resources. During this time, don’t take anything at face value. Loosen your grasp and your expectations, and open your perspective. Mars reminds us of our frustrations and unexpressed anger that comes out sideways when we leave it all bottled up. These energies can be depressive and stifling as the watery energy pulls us down and our clarity is muddled. 

However, our artistic inspiration may be on fire, and this is the best way to work with the planets now. Allow yourself time to meditate, be introspective, and let the creative force move through you. New insights will create breakthroughs and push you further toward your goal, but only when you give yourself the space to receive what’s trying to be channeled through you now. Let yourself try on a new identity or new perspective. This New Moon will stretch us past our comfort zone and limitations. It will remind us that we are more than just our physical body, and that our body is the vehicle through which our creativity is brought to life!

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Lara Noel