Happy Leo Full Moon! Coming out of an intense few months of change and discovery, Leo brings welcomed warmth and inspiration to our lives again. With the Sun as it’s ruler, Leo ignites a fire and likes to be in the spotlight and shine! He reminds us to play and have fun. He reminds us that creativity as an inherent part of our being that deserves time and space to be expressed!
Leo also reminds us to live from our hearts. Discover our passion and move in the direction of our desires. Generosity is the quality Leo in his Light brings to the world. Warmth from a big open heart, like the Sun, that gives endlessly and unconditionally to those he cares for. When Leo is in this place, he’s charming, loving and loveable, playful, and bright. Those around him can’t help but be drawn to and be embraced by his personality.
However, we all know that every sign has a shadow, and Leo, despite being the Sun and the Light itself, has one as well. Leo in his shadow is selfish, dramatic, self-centered and difficult to be around. Somehow the conversation ends up back to Leo and his thoughts, feelings, and story. Even if you’re sharing, Leo’s have difficulty not somehow relating your story back to them. In all fairness, as humans we do that, but some of us can bite our tongues and hold space and allow the other person to have their moment. Leo struggles with this.
Leo loves drama, and typically romantic drama! As a natural flirt, Leo will follow their desires without inhibition sometimes to the point of hedonism. This can leave others feeling used or unmet when the discussion of commitment roles around. However, once in love, Leo’s are are known for their loyalty and devotion, even through their selfish moments.
This Leo Full Moon will have us exploring all these themes and more. We still have a pile up in Capricorn and we can’t escape from that heaviness, But Leo will bring in a little playfulness to loosen the tension we’ve been experiencing. One other strong influence during this full moon is Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries. Some wound around love, finances, security, is opening up for us to heal. With Leo at center stage, we hope that we’ll be leaning towards more love and acceptance, than pain and drama. One thing that Leo craves is love and acceptance. Our desire to truly be our self during this time is strong. But so is our desire to be seen and validated.
With Leo, sometimes the path to be seen and appreciated can end up being overt and obnoxious. Too much drama and too much of a performance can lead to the exact opposite of what Leo desires, and that’s acceptance. We run the risk of alienating others if we attempt to assert our independence too strongly or create drama where there doesn’t need to be any.
Another challenge this full moon is that the trickster energy is back. On February 16, we will have officially entered another cycle of Mercury Retrograde. Yes it’s that time again. And this can create all sorts of misunderstandings and problems. This time Mercury is in Pisces and will add to the lethargy and confusion that already comes with the retrograde experience.
If you have something to say now, it’s best to use caution and find a clear way of communicating exactly what’s on your mind. Leo loves to express in overt ways, but Mercury in Pisces in more muted and quiet. With Leo and the Venus/Chiron conjunction in Aries, we may feel like aggressively expressing our pain, but with the Pisces energy we me be left feeling alone, rejected, or disappointed in how others respond to our reaction.
Whatever wound is coming up, it’s better to approach it from a place of love and compassion, even if that means you have to give it to yourself. With the retrograde, we could be revisiting past wounds from old relationships, or past disagreements from current ones. Always check in with yourself and decide if being alone, or communicating is what’s needed for you in the moment. Try to keep the drama and anger down to a minimum and find other useful ways to express yourself through a creative outlet.
As we move into retrograde time, the emotions arising through the Pisces portal will be strong and impactful. Regressing into addictive and self-pitying behavior will only create more depression and disillusionment. Do your best to either find support or create time for self-care routines.
Despite Mercury Retrograde and the Venus/Chiron conjunction, Leo is coming through with his glow, ready to bring love and courage to every situation. So during this time, keep your heart open and approach each situation with a desire to accept others and be accepted. Celebrate your uniqueness and individuality. Share your gifts from a place of generosity and desire to connect, not be validated. From this place, others will naturally see your beauty and just how special you are!