It’s Aries Season and we are all ready to be free of the reclusiveness that comes with Pisces season. We’ve dreamt. We’ve visioned. We’ve relaxed. And now with the springtime comes action, playfulness, and bravery. Setting out to achieve what we’ve been working on the last month. And with Mercury going direct, we’ll have an added boost to productivity. However, Mercury will still be in Pisces until April 10, so until then, we can expect some miscommunications to still occur, and our Dreamtime will still be active.
Aries signifies the time for spring, birth, newness, and independence! Aries is a warm welcome from the Pisces confusion, anxiety and grief. Aries will remind us that we are strong, resilient, and ready to face what’s in front of us. Aires is the Warrior of the sign, ready to take on seemingly impossible tasks and face situations and obstacles that would make the rest of us cringe at. Aries is independent, courageous, bold, and energetic. He has laser-sharp focus and moves easily forward towards the goals he sets for himself.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac ruled by Fire and considered the baby of the zodiac. Following Pisces, where we connect to the divine and return to the source that we were born from, Aries initiates our rebirth and transition from the non-physical plane to the physical plane. We see life with new eyes and a sense of curiosity and adventure. Aries takes charge and moves fearlessly forward into the unknown. They easily initiate plans, projects and conversations, and bring an abundance of energy to everything and everyone they engage with.
Amongst all his positive energetic traits, like all signs, Aries also embodies a shadow side. Aries is passionate and focused but sometimes this passion gets twisted into impulsivity, aggression, and at the most extreme level, violence. The Warrior archetype brings with it an anger that is rooted in basic selfishness when needs aren’t acknowledged or met. LIke an impulsive child, Aries wants what he wants and he typically wants it now. Impatience and a lack of being able to see other’s perspectives plague Aries relationships, but growth and maturity can sometimes lessen Aries narrow mindedness.
These are all qualities that we need to be aware of within ourselves during the Aries season. The best way to harness this energy is to focus on what is igniting you, inspiring you and make some clear plans to achieve it
There are several strong aspects occurring during Aries season that sets it apart from any other time of the year. One major transition occurring shortly after the Sun moves into Aries is Saturn moving into Aquarius. Saturn changes signs every 2.5 years, bringing with it an up-leveling of that sign. Growth, maturity, responsibility, limitation, and structure are all qualities that Saturn brings with it.
On March 21 Saturn moves into Aquarius, but only for two months until he retrograde back into Capricorn until December, where the final shift into. Aquarius takes place. Over the next two months, Aquarius Sun and Rising, will get a taste of what Saturn lessons will bring them. For Capricorns, you’ll get some relief, but it will only be temporary. When Saturn moves back into your sign from July to December, expect these months to be crunch time. When any planet finishes up it’s last moments in a sign, it also attempts to finish up any loose ends. If there’s a lesson to be learned or a decision to be made, now's the time that circumstances will either align to create the perfect next step, or create a breakdown and discomfort to force you into a new direction.
For the next two months though, Saturn will be giving Aquarius a taste of what maturity looks like. Anyone with planets or points in Aquarius, especially between 0-2 degrees, will start to feel some serious pressure. Aquarius is associated with technology, visionary and out of the box thinking. It’s the future-minded sign of the zodiac, taking into account how what we do now, will affect our commenting and future generations. With Saturn here, we will be seeing the global community coming together on a new level.
The last time Saturn was in Aquarius was 28 years ago, and things have changed dramatically since then. We are more connected now then we have ever been, and Saturn will be showing us the shadow and light side of this connection. We may be seeing a more organized global effort to address pressing health, environmental and social issues. We may also be shown just how much dysfunction this global communication and media creates, and be asked to clean up the misuse of power.
Aquarius also represents sudden change, new information, and even trauma in some cases. With Saturn transiting here …
There’s more to explore here, but for now and for the next two months, we’ll get a preview of what’s to come over the next 2.5 years starting in December 2020 when Saturn officially moves into Aquarius.