Aquarius Season
“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Aquarius Themes
Uranus & Saturn, A time of natural ascension for the collective. You celebrate what you can share with the community and the world. Focus: Humanitarian Work, Innovation & Technology, Community & Friendships
Aquarius Exercises: Innovative & Future Thinking
Magick Number: 3
Color: Black, Grey
Incense: Pepperwort
Minerals: Brown Jasper, Gold, Lead, Magnetite (Lodestone), Onyx, Pyrites, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz
Plants: Cypress, Myrrh, Yew
Animals: Crow, Donkey, Goat, Crocodile, Cow, Raven
Symbols: Wheat, Goat, Clocks / Time
Offerings: Unsweetened coffee, dark rum, cigarettes or tobacco
Magick Number: 6
Color: Yellow (or White)
Incense: Frankincense, Red Sandalwood
Minerals: Cats eye, Garnet, Gold, Peridot, Rainbow Quartz, Ruby, Topaz, Diamond, Tigers Eye,
Plants: Bay, Frankincense, Angelica, Galangal, Ginger, Marigold, Juniper, Mistletoe, Oak, Orange, Pine, St. Johns’ Wort, Sunflower, Walnut
Animals: Bee, Falcon, Hawk, Lion, Leopard, Pelican, Phoenix, Puma, Tiger, Swan
Symbols: Lion, Sun
Offerings: Golden liquors, honey, sunflowers, lighting a yellow (or white) candle
Welcome to Aquarius Season, a time of innovation and rebellion. Aquarius Season, is a time in the Northern Hemisphere where we are at the final stages of winter. During Capricorn Season we climbed to the apex of the mountain. As we transition into Aquarius Season with the wisdom, knowledge and structure we’ve gained from that journey. We are now being asked to come down from this mountain, carrying this life force, knowledge and share our wisdom with our community, children, and next generation. Aquarius, the sign of the Water-bearer, pours all that he’s gathered in his journey back to the community. Reminding us that we are part of a global community and that we must consider all races and genders our friends and family.
Aquarius is the sign of innovation and future thinking. This sign is associated with technology, communication, vision, and idealistic goals. He creates inventions and systems that help move humankind forward. Aquarius, the Water-bearer, brings this life-affirming element to all. Altruistic in his intentions and always thinking about creating a better future. We channel the energy of Aquarius to spark innovative solutions to our New Years Goals / Long-term intentions and look towards the future for innovative ways to bring your ideas and vision for the future to this present moment. Aquarius season supports us in expanding our dreams, asks that we use our intuition to know when to break the rules and think outside the box. To quote Pablo Picasso, “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Our collective focus for Aquarius Season will be discovering our unique offerings to the collective - channeling our unique frequency and vibration, to innovate see our own future.
Aquarius Light & Shadow
Unevolved Aquarian energy can manifest as an emotionally detached loner, a rebel, and aloof. Aquarius in his shadow can alienate or live on the fringe of society, with a unique look, ideas, and values. This can make it difficult for them to feel connected to others and for others to connect with them. Unevolved Aquarius energy can be a rebel without a cause, closed-minded, condescending, inflexible, unreliable, and a know-it-all. Evolved Aquarian energy can channel the Divine to guide us to expand our thinking. Freedom-loving and nonconformist Aquarius tears down and disrupts old models for an unconventional, inventive and original idealistic philosophy for the future. This comes from their thirst for truth, learning, and understanding the deeper inner workings of life and of others. Aquarius reminds you that we are all connected and that your minds have incredible healing power.
Light / Strength – clever, witty, original, inventive, innovative, intuitive, humanity
Shadow / Weakness – unemotional, stubborn, sarcastic, aloof, rebellious
Aquarius Sun & Leo Full Moon
Each Zodiac Season highlights the full moon and season sun polarities. Aquarius and Leo opposite each other. While Leo rules the heart, Aquarius rules the shins, calves, ankles, as well as the sympathetic nervous system and the peripheral vascular system. The peripheral vascular and veinous system, which returns blood back to the heart, ruled by opposing Leo.
With a New Moon in Aquarius, we are considering how we can make the deepest impact in our community, both global and local. We are reflecting on our work in the world and if it’s of benefit and helping the collective consciousness move to its highest potential. This New Moon is asking us to think beyond our immediate gratification, and create a vision that reaches out into the world. The Leo Full Moon will remind us to live from our hearts. Discover our passion and move in the direction of our desires. Generosity is the quality Leo in his Light brings to the world. Warmth from a big open heart, like the Sun, that gives endlessly and unconditionally to those he cares for.
Aquarius Season Foundation
The Aquarius New Moon will help you guide you in exploring new forms of study, technology or ideas that expand our minds and hearts. Use this Aquarius energy to innovate and think creatively. This is a time to explore the greater impact on the world stage. Ruled by Uranus, this New Moon will stretch us past our comfort zone and limitations. New insights will create breakthroughs and push you further toward your goal, but only when you give yourself the space to receive what’s trying to be channeled through you now.
Aquarius Season teaches us that to claim our long-term goals and intentions from the season before - Saturn & Capricorn Season - we need to open up our frequency to channel the Divine to guide us to expand our thinking, all to manifest and claim our greater vision.
How can I channel innovative and creative solutions?
How can I be more spontaneous and allow for synchronicities and fated events?
How can I leverage technology for my growth and intentions?
Where do I need to focus my energy?
What special talents can I give back to the community?
How well do I know the rules - and when are where can I break them?
What does my life look like in the future?
How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my spirit?
Guidebook & Journal: Aquarius Season, New Moon & Rituals
[_archive 2020] Aquarius Season Guidebook.
Aquarius Season Foundation
Jan 20th - Feb 18th.
Aquarius Season teaches us that in order to claim our long-term goals from the previous season (Saturn & Capricorn Season) we need to open up our frequency to channel Aquarius energy and allow the Divine to guide us to expand our thinking.
Actions for Aquarius Season
Set up an altar: Create a sacred space to honor the Aquarius season. During the Aquarius season, you will connect with Saturn (Saturday), Luna (Monday), and the New and Full Moons.
Observe: Pick a journal and write down your dreams, thoughts, experiences and observations each Monday (Luna) or Saturday (Saturn).
Incorporate a spiritual and organic lifestyle: explore your spirituality, practice yoga (strengthen your ankles), and meditate.
Take care of yourself: sleep, drink water, and eat. It's not uncommon for Aquarians to go without sleep or eat regularly.
Love your friends: Valentine's Day falls during Aquarius Season. Keep in touch with friends; send them love cards/messages.
Wear Violet: Wear the color violet to align yourself with the Aquarius Season energies.
Be spontaneous: Celebrate synchronicity and fate.
Find groups/communities that share your interests: Find people with like-minded interests and join their groups or communities. Put your energy into your social community and online network.
Humanitarian Efforts: Help with community and humanitarian efforts.
Learn about cutting-edge technologies: Innovation, research, and social improvements may lead us to look into new technologies, software, and products.
Aquarius Season Tarot Spread
What creative and innovative energies are working through me?
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