Capricorn Season


Capricorn Themes

New Year’s Resolutions & long-term goal setting
Focus on developing your career, improving your status in society, and manifesting your potential

Goal Setting & Overcoming Fear


Magick Number: 3
Color: Black, Grey
Incense: Pepperwort
Minerals: Brown Jasper, Gold, Lead, Magnetite (Lodestone), Onyx, Pyrites, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz
Plants: Cypress, Myrrh, Yew
Animals: Crow, Donkey, Goat, Crocodile, Cow, Raven
Symbols: Wheat, Goat, Clocks / Time
Offerings: Unsweetened coffee, dark rum, cigarettes, or tobacco



Magick Number: 9
Color: White, Silver
Incense: Myrtle
Minerals: Moonstone (Selenites), Pearl, Quartz Crystal, Silver, Aquamarine,
Plants: Moonwort, Jasmine, Honeysuckle, Aniseed, Camphor, Turmeric, Thyme, Witchazel, Ylang Ylang, Willow
Animals: Crab, Cat, Deer, Dog, Elephant, Frog, Hare, Lizards, Owl, Snail, Toad, Tortoise
Symbols: Mirror, Seashells, Crabs
Offerings: freshwater, seashells, wine, white candles, mirrors, donating to causes that help woman

Welcome to Capricorn season, a time of responsibility and practicality. This is an opportunity to take charge and make the most of your energy. Set goals, focus on what's important, and be mindful of your commitments. 

Winter's chill has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, and Capricorn season brings a sense of responsibility and practicality. It encourages planning, budgeting, and prioritizing what matters so that you can survive the cold, dark winters and progress gradually and persistently. Capricorn energy reminds you to be mindful of your commitments and to budget your resources wisely; face your fears with courage and discipline and pave a path toward success. Embrace the lessons of Capricorn this winter, use long-term planning strategies, and stay focused on achieving your goals no matter how cold or dark it gets.

Capricorn season themes surround growth, maturity, and thoughtful action. Now is the perfect time to take accountability for your actions and assess how your current choices could impact your future. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, opens the door to a reality you may have been avoiding and brings up your karma. Karma can be like a fire - scorching you for past mistakes or providing warmth and growth when harnessed correctly. Saturn helps make sense of this cycle of cause and effect. He will help push you to think through, take responsibility for your actions, or reward you for them, all while keeping you on an upward trajectory of growth. It's time to take more responsibility in life, both the successes and the perceived mistakes. Embrace this energy and let it guide you toward growth and stability. 

This is the season to tap into discipline and strategize a plan to manifest your greater vision. Set long-term goals and cultivate the focus and discipline needed to remain committed - even when faced with doubt. Trust in the teachings of Capricorn season; in time, these lessons will help you manifest your greater vision.

  • What is your desired intention? Why do you desire this intention? What does it give you?

  • What area of my life needs the most improvement now?  Where do I need to focus my energy?  

  • What do I want my life to look like in one year, five, and ten years?  

  • What would need to change or give up to make room for this new goal?

  • How can I create more patience in the process of my journey?

  • How can I commit to my bigger goals and vision?

  • How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my spirit?

  • I acknowledge the desire to establish more security and financial stability in my life

Capricorn Light & Shadow

Unevolved Capricorn energy can be governed by fear, suppressed emotions, and concern with status and image. Capricorn in his shadow can be confusing, adjusting to others’ belief systems out of insecurity.  In its shadow,  unevolved Capricorn energy can slip easily into fear and depression, while evolved Capricorn energy is self-controlled, goal-oriented, and successful. It brings structure and stability in areas of work and family. 

Capricorn Light & Strength – long-term planning, responsible, budgeting, discipline

Capricorn  Shadow & Weakness – depressed, fearful, cold, mean, stubborn, narrowed point of view, scarcity mindset, pessimistic and unyielding

Capricorn/Cancer polar axis

Each zodiac season highlights the season and full moon polarities. Capricorn / Cancer axis always gives you more of a push in a structured way than the others. This is when you take note of your accomplishments and what you've created in your home/family life and career. You notice areas where it seems you haven’t succeeded and need to put more effort into reaching the next level. If you’re struggling now, give yourself some time and patience. Reflect on what goals need to be reviewed, and how you may need to recenter and refocus yourself. 

The Capricorn-Cancer polarity is about learning to take responsibility for creating comfort, happiness, and nurturance. You learn to parent yourself and take responsibility for creating comfort, joy, and nurturance without blaming others for not giving you what you need. At the same time, you are also learning to open up, be vulnerable, and practice receiving the support that others are offering. You can’t place blame on others if you aren’t willing to acknowledge and accept the blessings they are trying to give.

The Capricorn-Cancer polarity teaches you an important lesson - self-care needs no excuses. No more blaming others for not giving you the comfort, joy, and nurturance you require. No more forcing a situation to make others responsible. Take responsibility for creating your own happiness and don't forget that credit goes both ways - nurture yourself and nurture those who nurture you.

Capricorn Season Foundation

The Capricorn new moon is a time to take stock of where you are and where you want to be. Ask yourself what goals you want to achieve in the coming months, and be realistic about how you can achieve them. This is also a time to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the future. Notice what worked well and what could have been done better. Spend time considering how you can use these lessons to make your next year more productive, meaningful, and successful.

The Capricorn new moon will help you make changes that push you to grow past your fears and into a more mature version of yourself. Use this Capricorn energy to ground and stabilize yourself. Ruled by Saturn, this new moon firmly opens the door to a reality you may have avoided looking at. He brings up your karma to burn through so that you may keep growing, maturing, and taking responsibility for what you’ve created in your life. This includes all your perceived mistakes as well as your successes. This Capricorn new moon is ready to put these mistakes and doubts to work for you. Use the power of doubt to see what needs more structure. How can you make changes to learn and push yourself beyond doubt to become wiser and more resilient in planning your future?

Capricorn teaches you that to claim your greater vision, you need to strategize a plan, remain disciplined, and work within the laws of the Universe; to manifest and claim this vision. There's no need to fear the work required to reach the summit - the benefits of goal-setting are worth it. Remember, discipline and dedication can be like a magic potion to make any dream a reality.

Saturn (whom the Greeks called Chronos, the lord of time), rules Capricorn and reminds you that time is a powerful tool. Time can measure your progress, mark the evolution of new ideas, and help you cultivate personal growth. Saturn teaches that without time, you would be unable to cultivate progress and your evolution. 

Capricorn and Saturn teach you that to claim the expansive vision from the previous season - Sagittarius season (ruled by Jupiter) - you need to strategize a plan, remain disciplined, and work within the laws of the Universe; to manifest and claim your greater vision.

As you approach the new year and the end of another cycle, use this time to reflect on your progress and cultivate your evolution. It's never too late to make changes that will benefit you later in life.

As you approach the end of the year, drawing on the power of Capricorn energy can help you stay focused and committed to maturing into a rewarding life. You know distractions will always try to take you away from your practice, but use them as a reminder to recommit to yourself. The Universe is here to give you what we ask for, but it will also test your dedication by giving you a distraction. So stay focused, remain committed - and show the world, and yourself, what you're capable of.

Set the intention to master your time: When you set realistic goals and use your time effectively, you are more likely to achieve them. You can break down big goals into smaller, more manageable tasks and set deadlines for yourself.

Capricorn Season Suggestions & Actions

Create an altar: Take time to create a mindful space. Document your dreams and reflections in your unique altar. 

Gather everything you need to manifest your intentions: Pen, paper, tarot cards, candles, incense, and herbs.

Observe: As we mark the start of a new year (Gregorian Calendar), it's time to reflect on the importance of time. Time is a precious commodity, and it's up to you to make the most of it. So take a moment to appreciate what you have and strive for your goals.

Goal Set: Don't wait for "someday" to start working towards your goals. You have big goals, and it's time to make them a reality. What mountains do you want to climb, and what outcomes do you want to achieve? What are your 10-year, 5-year, and 1-year goals? Claim your vision and create a plan. Visualize the outcome, work your way backward, creating a roadmap to help you get there. 

Focus on Focusing: Practice mindfulness, meditation, and being in the moment. Meditation and mindfulness practices can be a great way to cultivate discipline, focus, and understanding. 

Budget: Invest in yourself to carry on through difficult times. Focus on time management and financial planning to use your resources wisely. Utilize Capricorn's energy to create a plan to help you preserve and use your resources wisely. A spreadsheet of expenses is a great place to start. It's time to take control and find the security you need to thrive in challenging times. 

Cultivate Self-Mastery: Don't let time slip away from you. Take control and master your destiny with self-discipline and practical time management skills. Cultivate your inner strength, prioritize what matters, and take charge of your life. 

Re-calibrate: You may feel diminished energy, allow yourself time to adjust and channel the energy of the Capricorn season. Nap. Rest and Sleep.

Step up your beauty routine: Capricorn rules skin, bones, teeth, knees, and chronic disease (health issues that need patience, persistence, and time to heal). This season, incorporate skin and teeth care into your daily routine. I recommend oil pulling with coconut oil, as it has many benefits for oral health. You can also use it to moisturize your skin for a natural glow. routine. You can use coconut oil for oil pulling with your teeth and moisturizing your skin.

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