Scorpio Season
Estimated Time: 1hr 45mins, 12 seconds
Journal Estimated Time: One Month
Scorpio Season Overview
Scorpio Season Lunar Journal, Rituals & Guidebook (2020)
Scorpio Season New Moon Overview
Scorpio Season Foundation Video
Scorpio Season Suggestions & Actions
Scorpio Season Foundation - Slides
Season tools
Connecting with Deceased Loved Ones
Scorpio New Moon: Underworld Spiritual Bath
How to make Moon Water
Smudging, Saging & Purification
Scorpio Theme
New Moon: Scorpio
Full Moon: Taurus
Planet: Mars & Pluto (Modern Astrology)
Day of the Week: Tuesday
Element: Water
Tarot Card: Death
Theme: Transformation, Intimate / Sexual Expression, Healing & Empowerment. How can I connect more deeply with my ancestors?
Color: Red
Incense: Pepper, Woods
Minerals: Bloodstone, Brass, Diamond, Iron, Magnetite (Lodestone), Jasper, Garnet, Hematite, Ruby, Pyrites
Plants: Basil, Bay, Black Pepper, Dragons Blood, Mustard, Ginger, Pepper, Tobacco, Rue, Thistle, Nettle, Capsicum, Chilli
Animals: Bear, Boar, Cock, Wolf, Horse, Ram, Woodpecker
Scorpio symbols: Skull, Snakeskin
In Renaissance Astrology, Mars is Scorpio's planetary ruler. Mars is the planet of action, aggression, combat, energy, passion, sex, and war. Mars governs Scorpio's relentlessly driven spirit and carnal desires, whereas Pluto (modern planetary co-ruler) gifts Scorpio with its deeply psychic abilities and obsessive passion.
Venus Altar (Taurus Full Moon)
Magick Number: 7
Color: Green (Taurus)
Incense: Saffron (Agrippa), Pepperwort (Heptameron), Bay Leaf (money magick)
Minerals: Copper, Coral, Rose Quartz, Malachite, Amazonite, Emerald, Green Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Silver, Peridot (Chrysolite)
Plants: Adam & Eve root, Balm, Clover, Daffodil, Bergamot, Elder, Geranium, Lilac, Myrtle, Peppermint, Rose, Primrose, Venus Fly Trap, Violet
Animals: Birds, Dove, Lynx, Peacock, Patridge, Nightingale, Sparrow, Pigeon
It’s Scorpio Season, a time for transformation. Ruled by fierce Mars and deep Pluto, Scorpio is the sign of intense transformation, fear, the gate to our subconscious and the unknown. Scorpio Season pushes us deeper - opening the doorway and the portal between the seen and unseen worlds. The initiation of descent into the Underworld. Gifting us access not only to our own potential for growth and healing - but also healing and honoring our ancestors. When the Sun is in Scorpio, our shadows are illuminated. All of who we are are exposed, even though we push down into the darker corners of our self. When the Sun is in Scorpio, it is advantageous to cultivate a deeper understanding fo the light and shadow that makes up our complete self.
“We have the potential to step out of dysfunctional relationships and situations, and take back our power. ”
Pluto’s glyph is a spirit, being transformed in the grail of life. Scorpio’s Plutonian force is summoned from the depths of misfortune, sorrow, and spiritual awakening. In order for Scorpio to find its way through the Underworld, it must first channel the source of its feeling. It’s fixed water energy uncovers our innermost deep-seated truths. Scorpio has to go deep into the depths, to be transformed. Scorpio asks us to look at our baggage and the ugliness that we attempt to hide from ourself and others. Anything you’ve been trying to keep hidden will likely surface during this New Moon to be dealt with. Personally and collectively this means behavior that’s abusive, dishonest, manipulative, jealous, greedy, just to name a few, will increase in intensity, get exposed, and hopefully find their way to the light through the transformative powers of Scorpio.
Scorpio Season is the season of water as ice, when we experience the first frost; and mushrooms surface (taking that which was decaying and creating nurishment). Our awareness turns to the hidden realms, symbolism and mystery.
Un-evolved Scorpio energy can be can be Self-Destruction, Fixated / Stalking, Vengeful, and Jealous. Without a connection to Spirit, un-evolved Scorpio energy can have us holding onto painful pasts, creating generalizations. Like, “All woman / men are crazy / bastards', or ‘All men / woman are unfaithful”, “____ hurt me, so _____ can’t be trusted.” Scorpio's shadow is his negativity, and it takes a long time to forgive, forget and release. At the high end, evolved Scorpio energy expresses as intuitive, deep, committed, passionate, discriminating, artistic / creative.
Light / Strength: intuitive, deep, committed, passionate.
Shadow / Weakness: Self-Destruction, Fixated / Stalking, Vengeful, and Jealous.
Scorpio SUN & Taurus FULL MOON
Each Zodiac Season highlights the full moon and season sun polarities. During Scorpio season we will be exploring the polarity between grounded Taurus and magnetic Scorpio. Taurus teaches us about money, talent values, and self-worth. Scorpio teaches us about loss, unknown, other people’s money, and obsession. With the focus on these two natural oppositions, the themes we are working through are love vs. obsession, inner resources vs. outer resources, debt vs. abundance, sensual femininity vs. intimate sexuality, groundedness vs. the unknown, wickedness vs. beauty, trauma vs. nurturance. Of course, these polarities are only a few of the themes that might arise now.
Scorpio Season Foundation
Our collective focus for Scorpio, and at this lunar cycle, are about going deep within ourselves to face our pain, grief and past - and using it as a source for healing and strength and resurrection. During this season we discover our own value and what we value; giving more thought to our finances, resources and foundation. If you feel as if you have no foundation or security at the moment, Scorpio reminds us of the mystery of life. What blessings await for us on the other side of fear? What blessing await for us on the other side of the unknown? Scorpio encourages transformation. Asking us to shed old skin, allowing it to return to earth, so it can fertilize and feed the next cycle. What ancestral patterns are repeating in me and how can we honor our past and lineage and yet be empowered to break the cycle? Take this season to reflect on areas of your life and beliefs that need to either be transformed or buried.
Actions for Scorpio Season
Find a close friend, therapist or counselor who you can disclose and heal your darker secrets.
Connect deeper, through safe and mindful intimacy and sexual expression.
At night, rest in Shavasana / Corpse Pose and meditate before falling asleep.
Allow the death and release of what isn’t growing, so you can free and redirect your energy and resources for something else.
Scorpio Season. New Moon, Mercury Rx, Ritual & Guidebook
2020 Scorpio Season Overview, New Moon, Mercury Retrograde Guidebook. Scorpio symbolizes transformation; which will be our collective focus this season and month.
Scorpio Season Foundation: Pluto, Mars, Death, Transformation & Our Ancestors
Oct 23rd - Nov 21st
Purposeful living in rhythm with the Zodiac Season.
Return to: The Foundation