Libra Season


New Moon: Libra
Full Moon: Aries
Planet: Venus
Day of the Week: Friday
Element: Air
Tarot: Justice (Libra) / The Empress (Venus)
Body: Kidneys, Ovaries
 I respect the needs, values and views of the people in all of my relationships.

Venus Altar (Libra New Moon)

Magick Number: 7
Color: Green (Taurus), Pink (Libra/Love)
Incense: Saffron (Agrippa), Pepperwort (Heptameron), Bay Leaf (money magick)
Minerals: Copper, Coral, Rose Quartz, Malachite, Amazonite, Emerald, Green Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Silver, Peridot (Chrysolite)
Plants: Adam & Eve root, Balm, Clover, Daffodil, Bergamot, Elder, Geranium, Lilac, Myrtle, Peppermint, Rose, Primrose, Venus Fly Trap, Violet
Animals: Birds, Dove, Lynx, Peacock, Patridge, Nightingale, Sparrow, Pigeon


Color: Red
Incense: Pepper, Woods
Minerals: Bloodstone, Brass, Diamond, Iron, Magnetite (Lodestone), Jasper, Garnet, Hematite, Ruby, Pyrites
Plants: Basil, Bay, Black Pepper, Dragons Blood, Mustard, Ginger, Pepper, Tobacco, Rue, Thistle, Nettle, Capsicum, Chilli
Animals: Bear, Boar, Cock, Wolf, Horse, Ram, Woodpecker

Theme/Focus: Speaking our Truth. Libra symbolizes relationships and partnerships; which will be our collective focus this season. What we need and want from others, needs to be balanced with what they want and need from us in return.

Shadow of Libra: Libras’ love connecting with others and exploring all types of relationships. However, sometimes their desire for connection causes them to lose themselves in others, and neglect their own needs for the sake of the relationship.

Libra Theme Music

Music has a way to channel and express the energy of a season, for Libra Season and the theme of “the mirror of another” I selected a song by Royksopp to be your inspiration for this season.


Welcome to Libra season and the Autumn Equinox! We’ve reached a balancing point between the day and night as we move from Summer into Fall/Light into Dark. As the days become shorter we conserve our energy and resources; a time when we begin to go inward. Libra season asks that we shift our focus to cultivating relationships for internal support and security.

Libra symbolizes relationships and partnerships; which will be our collective focus this season. What we need and want from others, needs to be balanced with what they want and need from us in return. If that balance cannot be struck, it will be time for major changes. This energy is not bad, it helps identify whom and where we are giving and receiving our energy; like the scales of Libra, asking us to weigh the energetic exchange - are we in balance? We get a look at the cosmic balance sheet to see if we are getting / giving what is deserved. This can be very positive when the social mask comes off, and we can witness the truths in our lives. This season gifts us the chance to rearrange what isn’t working, and to get “unstuck” out of any circumstances / relationships that hold us back from doing our very best for ourselves and others.


Libras’ love connecting with others and exploring all types of relationships. However, sometimes their desire for connection causes them to lose themselves in others, and neglect their own needs for the sake of the relationship. Libra energy can be people pleasing to a fault; avoiding conflict and discomfort, because they only want to experience harmony and connection. This season, be mindful of your actions and the tendancy to step into Libras’ shadow.

The journey to finding balance and harmony sometimes means that we must swing to opposite extremes and experience the discomfort of conflict, and not getting exactly what we want, before we can make adjustments and meet others in the middle.

Libra Light & Shadow

Unevolved Libra energy can be people-pleasing to a fault, avoidant of conflict and discomfort, because they only want to experience harmony and connection. Libra in his shadow can lose themselves in others, and neglect his own needs for the sake of the relationship.  At the high-vibrational end, evolved Libra energy is that of the peacemaker.

Light / Strength – Compassion, understanding, relating, creating harmony, leadership, coaching, teaching

Shadow / Weakness – People-pleasing, manipulative, codependent, clingy, avoiding conflict,  hypersensitive to peer pressure, attention-seeking (regardless of positive or negative).


Libra SUN & Aries FULL MOON

“If we can stay with the tension of opposites long enough — sustain it, be true to it — we can sometimes become vessels within which the divine opposites come together and give birth to a new reality.”
― Marie-Louise von Franz

Each Zodiac Season highlights a Full Moon / Sun polarity. Not only are we learning the lessons of Libra season, but we are also gifted an opportunity to achieve an energetic balance between the Libra/Aries axis.  We will explore the polarity between Libra/Aries - the duality of Self and Other, Peacemaker and Warrior.

The polarity of the Libra/Aries is of Fire and Air, both in Cardinal modality. Aries was born to disrupt, to assert itself and “prove” it’s worth. Aries is all about coming back into our body, and discovering and negotiating the boundary between “me” and “them.” Balancing (Libra) our needs with another’s is a dance to be approaching with curiosity, non-judgement and kindness. 

There can be no recognition of Self without the existence of Other. Aries-Libra combination is to reclaim the lost self and establish the correct balance between self and the other. Aries and the 1st house represent “self” and Libra and the seventh house represent “other”. The Self and Other polarity is a chance to reconcile and release any tensions in partnerships, especially those surrounding home and family.  What we need and want from others needs to be balanced with what they want and need from us and if that balance cannot be struck it will be time for major changes.

Aries-Libra axis can be further observed through the opposed Warrior and Peace Maker archetypes. Without the Warrior, there would be no need to find justice and make peace. War would consume even the Warrior in destruction and exhaustion.

Uniting their efforts Peace maker and warrior can become the Just Freedom Fighter, "fighting for peace.” We cannot make change by wishful thinking - we need fire (Aries) to give direction to our justice cause (Libra). Libra symbolizes ideals of peace, love, justice and harmony can provide the Just Cause by being activated by the energies of the Aries warrior. The Aries-Libra axis asks that we rise above the opposition while embracing the duality.

Libra Season Foundation

Our collective focus for Libra season, and at this lunar cycle, is relationships. How these relationships are the support systems in our lives. Asking, how do we support one another? How do we achieve balance in relationships - with one another, and our self? These relationships can represent our family, our partners, our lovers, our business relationships, and the relationships that bring us emotional / financial support and security. We are being ask to bring relationships to our awareness at this time.

In the Norther Hemisphere, we begin Fall and prepare for Winter. We go from Light, and expansive energy, towards the Darker Winter. When light and energy is more reserved. Like the Season change and shift, we are asked to shift as well. In the darker seasons / winter - we need our resources, and a communal support system for security. For all these reasons, we begin to think about who is in our life. Do they support me, and do I show up and support others? If not, we need to review and reduce where we are expending our energy & time.

This season we are required to reserve our energy and resources: days are shorter, and time is precious. Which means, we are asked to be selective on the activities, people & clients / projects we choose to share our ourselves, energy, time and our resources. We move from the more energetic abundant Summer, to a changing season were our energetic supply and daylight time are limited. Together, lets’ set the intention to conserve, and being mindful of where we expend our magic, energy and resources.

Libra Season Foundation

Sept. 23rd - Oct. 23rd
Libra Season Foundation Booklet. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. What a better way to attune to Venus’ energy than setting an intention, altar and ritual for self love.

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Libra Season Guidebook

Sept. 23rd - Oct. 23rd. Purposeful living in rhythm with the Zodiac Season. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. What a better way to attune to Venus’ energy than setting an intention, altar and ritual for self love.

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