Taurus Season
Estimated Time: 2 hours
Journal Estimated Time: One Month
“I am an alchemist. I can transform my inner wealth to external material wealth.”
Taurus Season Tools
Taurus Theme
New Moon: Taurus
Full Moon: Scorpio
Planet: Venus
Day of the Week: Friday
Archetype: Farmer
Element: Earth
Affirmation: I HAVE self-worth
Theme: Grounding Yourself, Connect with Nature, Building Abundance, Cultivating Skills for Career/Finance
Focus: The teachings of Taurus are embedded in self-worth
Venus Altar (Taurus New Moon)
Magick Number: 7
Color: Green (Taurus), Pink (Libra/Love)
Incense: Saffron (Agrippa), Pepperwort (Heptameron), Bay Leaf (money magick)
Minerals: Copper, Coral, Rose Quartz, Malachite, Amazonite, Emerald, Green Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Silver, Peridot (Chrysolite)
Plants: Adam & Eve root, Balm, Clover, Daffodil, Bergamot, Elder, Geranium, Lilac, Myrtle, Peppermint, Rose, Primrose, Venus Fly Trap, Violet
Animals: Birds, Dove, Lynx, Peacock, Patridge, Nightingale, Sparrow, Pigeon
Symbols: Mirrors, jewelry, perfume, handheld mirrors, beautiful hair brushes
Offerings: Honey (taste first), champaign, wine, clear and cool liquors, fresh flowers, sweet flowery incense smoke
Mars Altar (Scorpio Full Moon)
Color: Red
Incense: Dragon’s blood, Pepper, Woods
Minerals: Bloodstone, Brass, Diamond, Iron, Magnetite (Lodestone), Jasper, Garnet, Hematite, Ruby, Pyrites
Plants: Basil, Bay, Black Pepper, Dragons Blood, Mustard, Ginger, Pepper, Tobacco, Rue, Thistle, Nettle, Capsicum, Chilli
Animals: Bear, Boar, Cock, Wolf, Horse, Ram, Woodpecker
Scorpio symbols: Skull, Snakeskin
Offerings: Dark intense liquor: whisky/tequila, blood-red wine. Cinnamon. Mars rules red, red gemstones like garnet, red coral, dragons blood
In Renaissance Astrology, Mars is Scorpio's planetary ruler. Mars is the planet of action, aggression, combat, energy, passion, sex, and war. Mars governs Scorpio's relentlessly driven spirit and carnal desires, whereas Pluto (modern planetary co-ruler) gifts Scorpio with its deeply psychic abilities and obsessive passion.
Welcome to Taurus Season. What began to grow and unfolded during Aries Season, is coming together now in Taurus. That which was separated is now united, in a cradle of harmony (the glyph for Taurus). Taurus Season is our container/structure for gentle refinement, development, grounding and unfolding.
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. Ruled by earth, Taurus teaches us to ground ourselves and build and invest skill-sets that will support us in our journey.
Our collective focus for Taurus Season is to nurture our self, and self-esteem - to build a strong foundation towards abundance - to enjoy all that life has to offer.
Taurus Season Light & Shadow
Un-evolved Taurus energy can be stubborn, incredibly resistant to change, overly materialistic. Without a connection to Spirit, un-evolved Taurus energy can have a lack of self-worth, need mindset, possessive of other people as well as their own possessions.. At the high end, evolved Taurus energy expresses as loyal, grounded, calm, focused, peaceful, artistic, nurturing, abundant, harmonious, stable.
Light / Strength: loyal, grounded, calm, focused, peaceful, artistic, nurturing, abundant.
Shadow / Weakness: materialistic, lack of self-worth, need mindset, possessive, greedy.
Taurus Sun & Scorpio Full Moon
Each Zodiac Season highlights the full moon and season sun polarities. During Taurus season we will be exploring the polarity between grounded Taurus and magnetic Scorpio. Taurus teaches us about money, talent values, and self-worth. Scorpio teaches us about loss, unknown, other people’s money, and obsession. With the focus on these two natural oppositions, the themes we are working through are love vs. obsession, inner resources vs. outer resources, debt vs. abundance, sensual femininity vs. intimate sexuality, groundedness vs. the unknown, wickedness vs. beauty, trauma vs. nurturance. Of course, these polarities are only a few of the themes that might arise now.
Taurus Mantra
I Have self-worth
Taurus Season & Venus Altar
7 items: green candles, bay leaves, fresh spring water
Taurus Season Foundation
It is during Taurus Season we ground ourselves. With Taurus, the focus is on love, relationships, values, resources, and finances. If you are one of the many experiencing a time of lack, focus on what resources you do have, and how you can magnify and best utilize them. Taurus teaches us to value ourselves and increase our self-worth and self-esteem. The teachings of Taurus are embedded in self-worth. I am an alchemist. I can transform my inner wealth to external material wealth.
How can I ground myself and have the patience to further cultivate skills?
How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my spirit?
What can I invest in myself?
What areas of my life / skill can I invest in myself?
In what way do you see yourself creatively moving forward?
When was the last time you felt lack? If you made a decision based on the feeling of lack, would you have avoided this decision if you had felt abundance or the option of choice?
Actions for Taurus Season
Find the combination of activities that fuel your fire.
Create an altar. Create an altar for Taurus Season and to Venus.
Set Intentions. You can set intentions for Taurus Season during the Taurus New Moon, or working with Venus (on Fridays(s)).
I HAVE. Acknowledge your resources.
Be Patient.
Plant a seed. During Taurus Season you can plant a seed in an area of your life, and tend to this seed/plant for over the month (you can plant an actual plant and place it on your altar and witness it sprout).
Ground yourself to the Earth
Wear a necklace. Emphasize your neck (Taurus).
Make a list of your talents. How much you’ve invested in them (time, money)?
Have patience with yourself and the journey you’re embarking on.
Guidebook & Journal: Taurus Season & New Moon Intentions
Taurus New Moon, Scorpio Full Moon,
Scorpio Full Moon Ritual
Full Moons highlight polarities; and in this case, the polarity between grounded Taurus (Sun) and magnetic Scorpio (Moon). To learn more about Scorpio, visit the Scorpio Season Foundation.
If you are not familiar with the 12 houses. and what it means to have your 1st house or 2nd house illuminated by the new or full moon - visit Foundation 2 for the fundamentals: The Moon, Magick, the 12 Houses & Manifesting.
Return to: The Foundation