Gemini Season
Estimated Time: 10 minutes, 24 seconds
Journal Estimated Time: One Month
“Opposites Attract. When there is balance there is unity, and where there is unity there is strength. When these forces are equally unified it creates harmony.”
Season Tools
Telepathic Communication & Automatic Writing
A Guided Meditation: Automatic Writing to discover alternative solutions to problems:
Tarot Spread: Communication & Negotiation
Seasons’ Theme
Planet: Mercury
New Moon: Gemini
Full Moon: Sagittarius
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Archetype: Twins/ The Messenger
Element: Air
Tarot: The Lovers (Gemini), The Magician (Mercury)
Body: Lungs, arms, hands (parts of the body that are in two’s).
Affirmation: I think, I EXPRESS myself. I express my highest truth. I seek knowledge and learning.
Theme: Duality & Flexibility, Writing, Communication & Ideas, Business, Negotiation & Networking, Marketing & Facilitating Communication
Mercury Altar (Gemini New Moon)
Magickal Number: 8
Color: Orange
Incense: Cinnamon (for speed),
Minerals: Agate, Emerald, Mercury (Quicksilver), Topaz, Tin, Citrine, Labradorite, Opal
Plants: Caraway, Dill, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Liquorice, Sandalwood, Storax
Animals: Ape, Bat, Coyote, Dog, Hummingbird, Jackal, Magpie, Parrot, Salmon, Twin Serpents
Offerings: tobacco, cigarettes, sweetened coffee, alcohols, and coins
Jupiter Altar (Sagittarius Full Moon)
Magickal Number: 4
Color: Purple, Deep Blue
Incense: Nutmeg
Minerals: Emerald, Gold, Green Jasper, Sapphire, Silver, Turquoise
Plants: Alfalfa, Bayberry, Cedar, Cinquefoil, Copal, Fir, Hyssop, Lavender, Saffron, Sage, St Johns’ Wort, Shamrock, Vervain
Animals: Bull, Centaur, Eagle, Praying Mantis, Ram, Raven, Stag, Sturgeon, Wren
Offerings: Golden liquors, champagne, fresh fruits, fragrant oils, Frankincense
Welcome to Gemini Season. During Gemini Season we focus on the union of Aries (Mars/masculine) and Taurus (Venus/feminine). We see two circles connected by two channels/paths of light; the power to invocate and manifest. Gemini is the messenger, that who connects. That which is above, is below and Gemini is the connector from the heavenly realm to our material realm. The glyph of Gemini, represents the twins. The masculine and feminine energy, the two, the duality that makes up the whole.
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. An air sign, that rules the lunges. Gemini teaches us to communicate; and connects us through the vibration of our words, and through the air we breathe.
Our collective focus for Gemini Season is to learn how to communicate, identify our message, in order to bring about harmony and union. This is the season we network, and SPEAK our desires into existence.
Gemini Season Light & Shadow
Un-evolved Gemini energy can be gossipy, flakey and sometimes two-faced. Without a connection to Spirit, un-evolved Gemini energy can have a lack of follow through, all talk, no commitment. At the high end, evolved Gemini energy expresses as a messenger, negotiator, connector, and peace-maker.
Light / Strength: Invocation, Communication, Education, The Messenger.
Shadow / Weakness: Believing that talking is more powerful that action, (all talk, no follow through)
Gemini Sun & Sagittarius Full Moon
Each Zodiac Season highlights the full moon and season sun polarities. During Gemini Season we will be exploring the polarity between The Twins,Gemini and The Archer/Centuar, Sagittarius.Both Gemini and Sagittarius represent ways of taking in information and understanding the world. The Gemini/Sagittarius polarity is the axis of learning, collecting and assimilating information. Sagittarius looks at the big picture; the sandbox, as Gemini observes the individual grains of sand.Both seek the same thing: the truth.
Gemini are Twins, the Two which are One. Gemini rules siblings, early environments, elementary education, first language(s) you speak, neighborhoods. Gemini teaches us about the activity of the mind, how we take in new experiences, the everyday magick of communication and expression. Gemini uses language to give names to objects, creating two(the object + name) from the one (object). Gemini relates, bringing order to the chaos. Gemini teaches Sagittarius how to communicate. Sagittarius teaches us about Two becoming One. Sagittarius is theCentaur. The half-man, half-horse archer; symbolizing the Two as One. Sagittarius rules foreign people, foreign languages, education, philosophies, guides that you journey to broaden your world view. Sagittarius depicts the Truth that we create for ourselves and the journey we take to discover this truth. Sagittarius reminds Gemini to not loose sight of the big picture.
Gemini-Sagittarius and 3rd-9th House Polarity
“[Gemini & Sagittarius] The poles of this axis complete and complement each other. If the Gemini end loses touch with the bigger picture, with the value or purpose of the information it is gathering, then everything can become trivial, superficial and meaningless, even to the point of nihilism. If, on the other hand, Sagittarius loses touch with Gemini, the sense of having privileged access to the one truth can lead to arrogance and fundamentalism, cut off from the detachment and relative truths of Gemini."
So Gemini and Sagittarius both gain from peering across at the other, and reflecting on harmonizing with or growing toward the other. There are times when a strong guiding vision is needed to grow. And other times when what's needed most is to come back to the moment, and be changed - and rearranged - by the fresh currents.” 1. Astrodienst, with Clare Martin writing on the Gemini/Sagittarius Axis
Gemini Season Foundation
It is during Gemini Season, that Mercury (is the planetary ruler of Gemini) teaches us that we have the invocative power of our voice to speak into existence. The power of manifestation. With Gemini, the focus is on networking, communication, refining your ideas and giving your desires a voice. Mercury rules the mind and the hands. What you think, you can manifest into reality. As above, so below. Mercury corresponds to the Magician, in the Tarot. One who has the power of creation by attaching words to objects. The Magician shows us the tools necessary for creation. As above (our mind and intention), so Below (materialize into matter/reality). I am a direct channel to universal consciousness. I think it. I speak it into existence.
How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my spirit?
Where is the imbalance in your thoughts?
Have you expressed what you need to say? To others, your partner, and even to yourself?
Do you have the information available to negotiate and make honest choices?
Actions for Gemini Season
Find the combination of activities that fuel your fire.
Create an altar. Create an altar for Gemini Season and to Mercury.
Lavender. Have lavender in your home, bed or altar. Gemini energy can be hyperactive. Lavender can bring stillness, and calm an overactive mind.
Set Intentions. You can set intentions for Gemini Season during the Gemini New Moon, or working with Mercury (on Wednesday(s)).
I EXPRESS myself. Acknowledge your thoughts and input.
Communicate & Negotiate.
Talk to your seedling. During Gemini Season you can plant a seed in an area of your life, or tend to the seedling from previous Seasons/Months. Leveraging the energy of Gemini Season, we communicate, market, network and negotiate; to grow our ideas/intentions.
Breathe. Strengthen your lungs (Gemini). Through the air we breathe, we express.
Make a list, collect your thoughts.
Guidebook & Journal: Gemini Season & New Moon Intentions
Gemini New Moon, Venus Retrograde
If you are not familiar with the 12 houses. and what it means to have your 1st house or 2nd house illuminated by the new or full moon - visit Foundation 2 for the fundamentals: The Moon, Magick, the 12 Houses & Manifesting.
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