This Aquarius Full Moon will be a strong mix of Aquarius and Leo energy, with so many planets now placed in Leo. And Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, will be Squaring Mercury in Leo, who will have just moved out the retrograde shadow! Thank goodness! We’ll also be having a strong Venus signature and likely be focusing on relationships, love, values, and children within the bigger theme this Full Moon.
Quirky, spontaneous, intelligent, visionary, and unique are the positive qualities that Aquarius is known for. They are future-minded and often connected with information, technology, humanitarian efforts, community and networking. They will never allow themselves to be put into a box or confined. They need freedom and space to be themselves and they honestly don’t really care if you approve or not! These are qualities we can embrace during this Full Moon, bus as always, there’s a shadow side to every planet/sign.
Aquarius can be aloof and disconnected from emotions. They can be selfish, unpredictable (and not in a playful way), rash, stubborn, and even mean sometimes. Aquarius/Uranus is also connected to trauma that has more of a shocking, sudden, electric, or separating quality to it. The pain from this shock can cause dissociation, disconnection from one’s body and negatively impacts the ability to connect with others. It can affect the nervous system and leave us in a survival state of fight/flight/freeze.
This is often at the root of Aquarius’s aloofness and disconnection as there’s a general sense of lack of safety and security from past events that caused one to retreat inside, away from others, often into the mind and creative process. Aquarius is an Air sign after all.
This mental connection can sometimes translate as downloads of psychic or spiritual information. If we consider thoughts and information as frequency, like a radio, then Aquarius has a unique ability to tune into different frequencies and receive information that is beyond what we can normally physically see and hear. Aquarius often has the stigma of being alien or bizarre, when in reality they are just accessing information that they eventually express outwardly. Sometimes this can even be in the form of dreams or insights that eventually end up as new innovations, inventions, and technologies.
The positive outcome of a more aloof or disconnected state is that sometimes this can give us more perspective and take things less personally. This can help balance out the very personal and dramatic Leo heavy chart at the moment. The only challenge is that Uranus has just moved retrograde and what we know about stationing planets is that they impact us more. So with Uranus stationing retrograde, we may be experiencing sudden and shocking events that trigger core wounds.
This could be happening on a personal and collective level as Aquarius is associated with the greater community. We may come face to face with some social injustices and/or core wounds that are needing attention. Aquarius can help us find new solutions to long term problems and give us the opportunity to heal, empathize, connect, and create a more sustainable and compassionate existence.
Uranus is also in a Square to Mercury in Leo, and Mercury is Trine to Chiron in Aries. Smhocks may come through some form of communication rather than action. With Mercury out of the retrograde shadow, new information that was previously hidden may be surfacing that disrupts our stability and security, but also offers opportunity to heal and find connection again. This could include areas of friendships, creative projects, children, finances, values, and love relationships that impact our own sense of self-worth since Venus is closely connected to this Full Moon.
It could also mean that there’s a big positive breakthrough happening in these areas of your life. You’re expanding past old limitations and boundaries that have previously kept you safe and stagnant. There’s nothing stagnating about Uranus/Aquarius, and if you’re having some big inspiration, you could gain a lot by taking action, even if it feels unsafe and unpredictable.
Jupiter has also Stationed Direct, which means some of our luck and positivity is returning to us. Our sense of adventure and desire for freedom is complementing this Aquarius energy. Just make sure that you’re not using the desire for freedom as an excuse to pass off what’s actually a fear of commitment or intimacy.
Full Moons bring our unconscious emotions to light and because the Full Moon is a an opposition, challenges typically arise between our own needs and the needs of others. We are working to find harmony through exploring opposing needs and values. Aquarius demands freedom, individual expression, and space. If we are feeling too restricted or smothered in any type of situation, then now’s a likely time to take a temporary or permanent break from the situation. We may also look inside and explore why we feel smothered, and if in fact we could respond by opening and connecting if it feels safe.
We are also working with the Fixed Signs of the Zodiac and this means the potential for stubbornness and unwavering perspectives. This also means that there may be the determination and persistence to keep working through challenges to grow and gain deeper connection. Make sure that what you’re committing to is in your highest good and serving you. And that you’re not just holding on because you fear change. If you’ve been holding on to something because of fear, this Full Moon may force a break so that you can re-align to a better and more joyful vision and experience.
Take this time to think about what you want for yourself for your future. What type of community and friendships do you want? How can you serve the greater collective? How are you own fears of connection and desire from freedom affecting your happiness? In all this Aquarius Full Moon is about making personal, community, and collective breakthrough that serve to heal and support us. Take some time for reflection before acting, support your nervous system, and don’t let this dynamic and expansive energy pass by!