Over the next two weeks there will be a mass exodus out of Leo and into Virgo. Mars is the first planet to take that journey today. This shift from Leo to Virgo may be one of the more contrasting shifts of energy between signs in the Zodiac. We go from being self-centered, creative, playful, and fun loving, to serious, analytical, work oriented, health focused, selfless and serving.
With Mars here we take our passion, our anger, our drive, and direct it towards creating healthy habits, a healthy body and healthy work environment that’s focused on serving others. We may also find this Mars energy expressed internally. We may get sick more often during this time, have conflicts at work, feel frustrated, under-appreciated, unseen. Virgo helps us detox unhealthy habits and emotional baggage. With Mars here, we may come face to face with our own anger and challenges with being direct and assertive. Guilt can be a theme connected to Virgo and we may be meeting past actions that have created grief for others. Use this time to find healthy ways to process your anger and frustration, let go of over criticizing, and tap into the assertive, confident, yet selfless part of yourself.