Making Moon Water

You can make moon water at any time. During Cancer season, it’s an optimal time to create moon water, to assist you in refilling your emotional cup. Moon water is, simply, water that has been charged under the energy of the moon. When creating moon water, we are mindful of the phase Luna is in (waxing or waning), and what zodiac sign she is occupying.

Leveraging Luna as a universal mirror, we are able to see ourselves in her reflection. The New Moon, which creates space for growth and healing; and her Light Side/Full Moon, where she shines her light on our accomplishments. When we can better see our own brilliance, and communicate with our Higher Selves.

When we create Moon Water, the water is infused with the energy of Luna during that particular phase it was placed under.

Making Moon Water

What you need (keep it simple):

  • glass mason jar, or glass containers that have a lid (make as many as you wish).

  • fill each container with bottled or filtered water

  • moonstone (optional)

Creating Moon Water during the New Moon & Waxing
Breathe your intentions, “I invite ____”, into a glass or mason jar of water. Place your hands over each container, as you say your intention out loud. You can place a moonstone into the water, then close the container. Set it under the New Moons’ light. The next morning you can drink it, sprinkle it or spray it on your self and your home.

Creating Moon Water during the Full Moon & Waning
Breathe your intentions for connecting with your Higher Self, Celebration or Releasing, “I release ____”, into a glass or mason jar of water. Place your hands over each container, as you say your intention out loud. You can place a moonstone into the water, then close the container. Set it under the Full Moons’ light; a few hours is enough. The next morning you can drink it, sprinkle it or spray it on your self and your home.

☀ Let Spirit Guide You. The next morning you can drink it, sprinkle it or spray it on your self and your home.

☀ Drink. If you drink the water, it can assist in moving stagnant energy. Make tea with it. Add herbal teas that support your intentions.

☀ Use it in ritual. Add the moon water to your bath water, or leave it on your altar.

☀ Charge. You can charge your crystals with it.

☀ Cleanse. Add the moon water to a spray bottle/bucket, with a few drops of condition oil or essential oil, to shift the energy of your space; and create a protective mist around your aura.

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