A Shower Meditation & Ritual for Self Love & Releasing

This shower meditation can be done as either a meditation, or ritual. This is a great mental and energetic exercise for either day or night. Commit to 14 days (either every morning or every night) and see how things in your life transform.


  • 2 tea lights/or candles

  • Florida Water

  • Mirror

  • White Towel

  • Incense: Sage or Eucalyptus (oil or dried eucalyptus in the steaming shower)

  • Music (optional for creating atmosphere)

Create the Atmosphere


Burn Sage, or place dried eucalyptus. few drops of Eucalyptus Oil in to your shower to create an atmosphere. Be careful with placing oil in to your shower (only place it in the corner - and be careful not to slip!) You can also play relaxing music, to help elevate the mood.

Remind yourself of your intentions, then light the two tea lights and place them outside of your shower, at shoulder width apart. These two tea-lights will symbolize a gateway/door you will walk through.

You are to walk through the tea lights, both on entry and exit of the shower. Once in the shower, you are transported into your own sacred and personal space.

See yourself surrounded with light and say out loud -

“That all energy that is not mine and does not serve me is returned to source.”

The Shower

🚿 Close your eyes and let the water wash over you for a moment. Feel it cover you from your crown (top of your head) and travel down your body to your toes … and into the drain. Once you got that down… Now, visualize washing away your stress, icky energies, the dirt of other people’s dramas, and negative energies…. Let the water wash away your own negative thoughts, limiting-beliefs, heaviness, and wash and remove it from your body. Let it all the negative flow down the drain. When you get out of the shower, look at yourself in the mirror, and replace what you removed with positive reinforcement and self-love (put on makeup & perfume if you want too) and feel beautiful or handsome.


  • I am beautiful.

  • I have everything I need within myself.

  • I love myself.

  • I enjoy my own company.

  • I am a magnet of love

Keep yourself relaxed in a meditative state. Remember why you are taking this shower. When you are finished, usually in about 20 minutes - you will exit the shower through the tea lights (these tea lights are a portal).


Now that you removed energy, you will need to replace it with intention. Use the Olive Oil (or ritual oil of choice) and if you’re Catholic you can use a cross - if you prefer otherwise, you can dab the oil on the following points on your body (see below: crown, third eye, etc.).

You can also put Florida water on yourself afterward when you get out of the shower. It’s important to replace what you removed with something positive. Otherwise, you remain energetically open.

With protection and beauty in mind:

  1. Crown (top of head)

  2. Third Eye (forehead)

  3. Nape of the neck (back of neck)

  4. The palm of each hand

  5. The base of each foot
    * you can also do your heart if you desire.

Now, wrap yourself in either a towel or robe (Allow your body to AIR DRY).

Love, Honor, Adorn & See your true self


Now, take the time to groom yourself in front of the mirror. Comb your hair, place lotion onto your skin. Take the time to look at and take care of your physical body. The part that is the most powerful is when you are looking at yourself in the mirror - really look at yourself. Gaze at yourself for 15 to 20 minutes. Look at each feature on your face, the perfections, and imperfections. Tell yourself you are beautiful..... If you don’t believe that, sit with yourself long enough until you can find one feature on your face that is beautiful. Focus on this feature, and in time you will find another feature on your face you find beautiful - self love is a life long practice. Take the time to beautify and give attention to how you present yourself. For many people, looking into the mirror, taking the time to really look at oneself, carving out time to care for themselves can be the most challenging part.


As a suggestion, I personally use and carry True Moringa products at my website MarieSatori.com. One of my favorites, and I use with this ritual is True Moringa Lavender Facial Oil - which combines the anti-aging and moisturizing properties of cold-pressed Moringa oil with the skin- soothing beauty of Lavender. Formulated to reduce redness, damage, dry skin, and signs of aging with daily use. 

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Marie Satori