DIY rose water for love rituals

Watch me in action - see how I create rose water.


  • Love Incense or incense for Venus

  • Roses (red), preferably organic without pesticides. If you can grow your own roses, they have a deeper energetic link to you. Pink roses, or a mixture of red & white roses if creating rose water specifically for self-love.

  • Distilled Water

  • Heat resistant bowl or glass container to fit inside your pot *

  • Crystal (rose quartz or quartz)

  • Pot with a lid that is clear and has a curve.

  • Ice

  • Strainer or cheesecloth

  • Jar or bottle to hold your rose water

  • *If you cannot place a bowl or container within your pot, you can simply boil the rose petals and strain them.

DIY Rose Water

I'm going to be sharing with you, my process of creating rose water. Now, the rose water that we are creating is specifically to be used in rituals. However, you can extend the process to convert the rose water to be used as a toner.

To start, I am using red roses to honor Venus in the time of Libra season. To bring in love, we want to use this deep vibrant red; for the more vibrant and fragrant the roses, the more potent the rose water will be. If you can find roses that are grown near your home, or grow your own, these roses will have a deeper energetic link to you. If you are to buy roses from a florist, I would suggest organic roses that don't have any pesticides.

Clean the area that you will be working in, especially the stove-top. You want the area to be clean and focused on the creation process of the rose water.


Then, pluck the petals and gather them into a bowl. I am burning Venus appropriate love incense and waving the incense over the rose petals. I am waving the incense smoke over the rose petals, and focus my intention throughout the process.

In a separate sauce bowl, I place distilled water and a bowl weighed down by a crystal. I gently place the roses petals inside the bowl - remaining focused with the intention to attract love. As I place the petals inside the bowl, I drop them in a clockwise (clockwise is to attract, counterclockwise is to banish or release).


Rose petals, heat resistant bowl, distilled water.

The crystal in the center of the bowl is for two purposes: one for spiritual intentions, anchoring in this essence of love, which I will be using later in my ritual. You can carry these objects throughout the entire ritual process. The crystal also works as an anchor to weigh the bowl. Because when the water starts to simmer, the bowl is going to float and move around.

If you don't have a crystal, you can place another heat resistant object to weight the bowl down. If you don't have anything to capture the rose water vapor, you can follow this process simply by boiling the petals in water and straining the water.

Simmer the rose petals, and place your glass lid upside down on top. Once the water begins to steam, gently rub a cube of ice on the glass lid - helping the condensation process.


I’m rubbing the ice in a clockwise direction - to bring love in. The ice cube cools down the lid, assisting in the condensation process. The rose water vapor “rains down” on top of the crystal and gathers in the bowl. At the same time, the crystal becomes infused with the rose water essence. The process takes around 20 minutes, depending on the heat and amount of distilled water you placed inside the pot.

When the bowl become full, I lower the heat and carefully remove the bowl and crystal without spilling. I then continue to boil down or simmer down the rest of the rose pedals. Until there is no more color left in the petals themselves.


The deeper and more vibrant color the roses that you select, the more deeper and more vibrant the color of the rosewater that you'll create.

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Marie Satori