Bay leaf Ritual to Sol/Apollo for Prosperity or Banishing

“Apollo is a god in Greek mythology, and one of the Twelve Olympians. He is the son of Zeus and Leto and the twin brother of Artemis. He is the god of healing, medicine, archery, music, poetry and the sun. He is the leader of the Muses. He also is a god of prophecy, and his Oracle at Delphi is very important. He also is the god of justice. During the 5th century BC, Apollo became also known as the god of Sun, becoming one with the god Helios, and getting the name Phoebus. He is shown as a young man, wearing a laurel wreath and playing the kithara (lyre). It is known as his symbol.” 1. Wikipedia Apollo

In Ancient Greece, laurel was sacred to the Sun god, Apollo, who is often represented wearing a bay laurel crown.  We burn bay leaves, either when the sun is rising (to ask Sol to fuel our intentions) or when the sun is setting (to release or burn away negative situations or energies that we want to release). During Leo season, or whenever you need to ask for blessings or banishings from Sol/Apollo, you can write your intention on a bay leaf.

I’m going to share with you now two videos. In the first video, I demonstrate bay leaf burning in a kitchen and discuss in more detail the history. In the second video, I demonstrate how to extend bay leaf burning to a more structured a ritual to Sol.



- single whole bay leaf/leaves (one for each intention)
- candle & matches (gas stove-top grill)*
- pencil (or sharpie) to write on bay leaf
- fire proof bowl, cauldren or ashtray to place burning bay leaf
- cinnamon stick/powder

*Before you begin, be mindful of fire safety, and watch the burning of each bay leaf until safely finished.

Setting Intention & Timing

This is a simple ritual that many do in their kitchen. I grew up with both my grandmother, and mother burning bay leaves. It’s part of old sicilian/kitchen magick.

First, set the intention to either release negativity, or for your intention to be granted (wishes). If you want to remove negativity as well as ask for abundance to come in: first, start with removing the negativity in the evening, and in the following morning ask to bring-in your desire.

As the Sun Sets (releasing)
As the Sun sets, you will ask Sol/Apollo to release negativity.

As the Sun Rises (attraction)
As the Sun rises, you will ask Sol/Apollo to raise energy, to fuel your intention. 

Combine the Sun & Moon Cycles

early morning, as the sun is rising and the moon is waxing/New Moon (growing in energy).

evenings, as the sun is setting and the moon is waning/Full Moon (diminishing in energy).

The Ritual

This is a simple ritual that many do in their kitchens. If you so desire, you can rub sea-salt on your kitchen countertop, or rub down with lemon juice, to create an energetically clear space to work. Keep in mind Sol does love ceremony, music and rituals - so to honor Sol, play some music, dance/sing as you request your petition.

Take your candle and light it. Visualize the flame as an extension of Sols’/Suns/Apollos light. “Breathe in” the candle’s flame, and then exhale, releasing any tensions.

Now, with either a sharpie or pencil write your intention on each bay leaf. Keep the intention energy types the same for each ritual (either all attraction of energy or all releasing of energy). The intention will be one or two words, symbolizing the full sentence or intention that you hold in your mind’s eye. If you have mastered the ability to manifest, in such a way you do not need to write your intention; you can hold the intention in your mind’s eye - and when you light the bay leaf, infuse the bay with your intention. The writing is only a visual anchor for yourself - it is not necessary to perform the ritual.

Intention Examples

New Relationship, New Job, Fast Cash, New Neighbors, Peaceful Home, Banish ____

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Light each bay leaf with the candle flame; since you can do this in the kitchen, you can also use a gas stove-top. As the flame burns the bay leaf, visualize it as Sols’ energy fueling your intention. Either burning away the negativity, or fueling/raising energy to attract what you desire. Place each bay leaf in a fire safe bowl and let each burn to ashes.

Removing the Ashes & Remains

When finished, take the ashes and remove them from the room / altar and spread them outside of your home, onto the Earth / River. If you were removing negative energy, or banishing you can flush the ashes down the toilet.

If you were removing negative energies, or banishing energies - afterwards light a cinnamon stick, or powdered cinnamon to replace with more positive energies, what were released.

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