Smudging - Saging & Purification

For a clearing, you can use a smudge stick or custom bundle - and a heat resistant container (or aluminum foil) to rest it down afterwards.

Once you finished your spiritual bath, or at any time you desire to clear yourself or a room of heavy energy, light a smudge stick - and cleanse with smoke.

When you cleanse, you are clearing away and creating space. As you create this space, fill it with blessings and good intentions. As with any cleansing, we begin with intention. This intention can be done as a prayer, holding a thought within your mind, or filling the space with the positive vibration of bells / song.

In this example we’ll be using Sage. To begin, you light the dried sage. Let the sage catch fire, burn and then blow out the flames. The fire can be blown out rather quickly, as soon as the sage begins to smoke (we honor the spirit of the plant by reserving its being). Let the smoke rise - you cleanse with the smoke, not fire.

Cleansing your Body
Start at the top of your head (just above your head, where your crown chakra would be) and move your hand in a circular motion, flowing from the top of your head down your body - to your toes.

While you are moving the smoke around your body, say a prayer, breathe in a count of 4 (1-2-3-4) and exhale a count of 4 (4-3-2-1), relaxing into the cleansing. When you reach your toes, place the smudge stick on the heat-resistant container on your altar. You can now follow this by lighting your favorite incense or oil.

Cleansing your Body
Head - “my thoughts may be clear and pure.“
Eyes - “I see clear. I see the truth.”
Ears - “I hear clearly. I hear the truth.”
Throat - “I speak clearly. I speak the truth.”
Heart - “I feel clearly. My heart is open and clear.”
Body / Core - “My body is strong.”

Cleansing a Space
Before you begin, be mindful of the space in which you’ll be smudging (cleansing with smoke) - remove any objects from the room that you do not wish to be smudged, and cover any mirrors with a cloth. Mirrors are doorways to other dimensions (mirrors as doorways will be discussed in greater length at another time). If you desire to use a tool (feather, fan, your hand) cleanse the tool (and yourself) prior to smudging a space.

To cleanse, you start at the doorway and move around the edge of the room - counterclockwise to remove energy or clockwise to bring in energy. In some traditions, you enter the room from the left, and continue to walk and move forward - from the left.

Removing the Ashes & Remains
When finished, take the ashes and remove them from the room / altar and spread them outside of your home, onto the Earth / River.
