A Self-Love and glamour ritual

Lets’ work together, with intention, to shift the energy in your life. Lets’ call in self-love, love and abundance. You will discover a glamour ritual & bath that assists in boosting your energy. The rituals & baths I use are simple in nature, however effective. My focus is always tangible results at realistic costs.

"I was going through something big and emotionally charged. Marie suggested we work with the energy and candles. Within days everything shifted in my favor, I was getting unbelievable amounts of attention and my relationship took a serious turn, the turn I wished for. It was truly like magic."

Infusing an object with intention

📓Read the Workbook [.pdf]

Day or Hour to set the intention or ritual

Timing is everything. If you are infusing an object to be “seen” in a certain way, time your ritual with the moons’ day or moons’ hour. The moon is a mirror, she reflects. We want to reflect an image of ourself outwardly to the world. With knowing this, set your intention on a Monday, or the hour of the day the moon rules. Also, keep in mind if the moon is VoC (Void of Course). If the moon is VoC, wait the few hours until she fully enters a sign.

If you are looking to call-in love. Set your intention on a day or hour that is ruled by Venus. Meaning you’d plan and prepare your ritual for a Friday, or an hour ruled by Venus. Keep in mind not to work during Venus Retrograde.



Preparation time 10 mins
Items Necessary

  • 3 tea lights (or 3 votive candles)

  • 1 rose quartz, or clear quartz ring / bracelet / necklace (that will touch your skin).

  • Florida Water (to cleanse items)

  • Paper & Pen

  • 1 Condition Oil* for love / abundance

    *Condition oil can be made by hand, or purchased online. You can also use EEVO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) and writing a one word intention “love” on a piece of paper, infusing the EEVO oil with this intention. I am Sicilian, we use olive oil for everything.

Video highlighting anointing object with condition or EEVO oil

You can set your intention in an object, like a gemstone ring in this example, and carry this intention with you. It’s like having some magic up your sleeve. This is very simple and very powerful. Most importantly it is very effective. The intention for this example is to carry “love & increased abundance of self-love”.

Place three tea lights / or candles in a triangle. This is a Triangle of Manifestation, focusing and strengthening the energy of your intention. Anoint the top of each tea light with three drops of condition oil. Condition oil is an oil that has been prepared and infused with energy, prayer and herbs for a specific intention in mind. After placing / fixing your tea-light with three drop of oil or EEVO oil, you can light the three candles. You’ll place your object inside.

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Triangle of Manifestion

✨ Use three candles and an item inside to receive the energy & intention.

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Write your intention on a piece of paper. This intention can be an affirmation or short sentence of what you want to call in and carry with you. After writing your intention down, fold the paper three times (3x). With each fold, bend the paper towards you, and fold it towards you (you’ll see this in the video). You can dab olive oil or condition oil on each of the four corners of the paper.

Now, place the intention inside the three tea lights. You may want to place a dish on top of the intention to weigh the paper down and keep it in place. Be creative (paint your nails red / pink, calling in the energy of Venus). Now take your ring, place condition oil on your dominant hand and rub your hands & fingers together to “heat up” the oil. As you do this, think of what it is you want to bring into your life. As you do this, rub the oil on the ring inside and out. Say your intention out loud, and see yourself as you want to be seen.

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Place the ring inside on top of your written intention, inside of the triangle of manifestation. Let the ring or object charge with the intention. Afterwards, you will wear this object.

Tip: I suggest using either a ring or bracelet, for it will keep constant contact with your skin.