0. The Fool

The first seven cards in the Major Arcana depict ones fundamental level of development; the earliest stages of self- awareness, our first relationships with others, and our initial attempts at self mastery.

In the Major Arcana, the card for The Fool has no number, or is numbered 0, representing both her omnipresence in the tarot and the notion of her infinite potential. This card represents a new phase and beginning in your spiritual journey.

The Fool also represents the Spirit's entrance into physical existence. Representing the "birth" of the soul, The Fool is the perfect blank slate for she has yet to develop a clear personality. She is the symbol of innocence as her journey to come will shape her character; hence, she is traditionally depicted as naked. She leans on her faith and trusts that the Universe and divine Source will guide her on her journey, representing faith over fear.  

The Fool

I welcome the path ahead of me.

I am moving closer to my dreams.

I am learning to be more _____ each day.

Each day we are further along our paths toward our goals, dreams, and aspirations. We can fear the future and the unknown or we can expect that each obstacle is a learning lesson on how to be greater at navigating life’s challenges and receiving life’s opportunities.

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