V. The Hierophant
The first seven cards in the Major Arcana depict ones fundamental level of development; the earliest stages of self- awareness, our first relationships with others, and our initial attempts at self mastery.
The Hierophant is the fifth key of the major arcana. At this stage, the Fool learns from the Hierophant that there is more than just the material world of man; namely, that there is a divine ruler, as well. The Hierophant, whose name can be interpreted to mean "he/she who shows [the holy]" from Greek, initiates the Fool into the wisdom of the divine realm, where she/he/they learn(s) of the divine mysteries. As the High Priestess taught the Fool to discover spiritual wisdom from within, the Hierophant teaches the Fool to discover spiritual wisdom from external sources: Spiritual leaders, mentors, ancestors, and community.
I learn and continue to grow from my mentors & teachers.
V. The Hierophant
The word ‘Hierophant’ comes from ancient Greece, where it was constructed from the combination of ta hiera, "the holy", and phainein, "to show". Meaning, “s/he who shows”. The Hierophant is linked to religion, knowledge and traditions passed down through oral history / teachings. These teachings are ‘fixed’, like the Earth sign Taurus (which corresponds to the Hierophant card), and give us our social and religious framework.
When you are open to learning new things, you can choose to grow into the best version of yourself.
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