IX. The Hermit
The journey from Strength to Temperance, we develop our sense of self - and how we master our emotions when faced with external challenges.
The Hermit is the ninth key of the Major Arcana. On the journey from Strength, the Fool develops a sense of self and learns to master her emotions when faced with external challenges. Now that the Fool has mastered her emotions, the Hermit teaches her to master her Self. In this stage of the journey, she finds out who she is at her core.
I hold the power to control my thoughts.
My centeredness creates harmony with everyone around me.
I check in with my body to remain centered and balanced.
I deserve consistency, peace of mind, and moments of silence.
I listen to my needs and prioritize self-care.
IX. The Hermit
To be the best version of yourself, you need to take the time to “fill your own cup.” Stop and ask yourself what you truly need, then do it! The Hermit is willing to explore the shadows, and bring what is hidden into the light.
A man is walking home late one night when he sees an anxious Mulla Nasruddin down on all fours, crawling on his hands and knees on the road, searching frantically under a streetlight for something on the ground.
“Mulla, what have you lost?” the passer-by asks.
“I am searching for my key,” Nasruddin says sounding very anxious.
“I’ll help you look,” the man says and joins Mulla Nasrudin in the search. Soon both men are down on their knees under the streetlight, looking for the lost key. After some time, the man asks Nasrudin, “Tell me Mulla, do you remember where exactly did you drop the key?”
Nasrudin waves his arm back toward the darkness and says, “Over there, in my house. I lost the key inside my house…” Shocked and exasperated, the passer-by jumps up and shouts at Mulla Nasrudin, “Then why are you searching for the key out here in the street?”
“Because there is more light here than inside my house,” Mulla Nasrudin answers in a casual manner.
Meditate on the message in this ancient story, even in the modern-day we find ourselves searching for the meaning and mysteries of life (our keys) where the light is best. However, we know deep in our hearts, that the spiritual wisdom and truth we seek is found within (our body/temple). Similar to the advice of the Sufi mystics, in order to discover the spiritual keys to our own spiritual development and mystery - we need to embody the lessons of The Hermit and search within ourselves. Where the light may not always be bright, and where we may encounter our shadow; but it’s only after we take the time to search within, giving our spiritual eyes (third eye) time to adjust to seeing in the shadow.
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