X. Wheel of Fortune

The journey from Strength to Temperance, we develop our sense of self - and how we master our emotions when faced with external challenges.

The Wheel of Fortune is the tenth key of the Major Arcana, the time when the Fool re-emerges into the outer world after the isolation and introspection with the Hermit. Also known as The Rota Fortunae, the Wheel of Fortune, represents life's patterns of expansion and contraction; the highs and lows of good and bad luck; and the spiral movements of kundalini energy. It can also represent the spiraling movement of kundalini energy in the chakras. Within the illustration, upward movement represents spiritual ascension, while downward movement reflects spiritual descent or regression. Thus, at the top of the wheel, indicating ascension, is a sphinx — a creature with a human head on an animal body — symbolizes a man who has mastered his lower, animal nature. Towards the bottom, indicating a descent back to a spiritually unconscious life, the kundalini snake descends, feeding the lower chakras.

Great opportunities and abundance easily flow into my life.
I am open to abundance, joy, and pleasure.
I am open to receiving ____ now.

X. Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel will continue to spin, with or without us. The Sun will rise and set, the seasons will come and go. If we align and center ourselves with the Universal energy, we are open to receive it's good fortune. If we struggle with acceptance of the ebbs and flows of life - we can fall off the wheel of its good grace. Fate has a way of shaking things up to teach us something new. What is fate teaching us? What opportunities and positive experiences can be accepted at this time? When we are open to positive experiences, we are more likely to recognize them when they appear in our lives.

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