On a brighter note, the beauty of Pisces is expansive, connected, compassionate, empathic, creative, intuitive, and caring. Pisces gives us access to the unseen worlds in which healing and regeneration occurs. It allows us to be still within the oneness of the cosmos, and remember that we are more than just physical beings. We come from a place of love and beauty and will return to that when our time here in physical form is complete. Pisces reminds us to slow down, take time for ourself, meditate, rejuvenate, and heal from any emotional or physical challenges we’ve experienced.
Our unconscious is surfacing during this Full Moon, with a strong urge to deal with the emotional fallout of situations that we may be avoiding. If we don’t have the tools to deal with the emotional content, we may find ourself in denial or exhibiting addictive behaviors. The pain and grief of what’s arising is our teacher and our way out of unhealthy patterns. We may get clear about the projections or illusions we had about a person or situation, and be faced with disappointment, hopelessness, and frustration. Whatever or whoever we are pointing at and blaming, we need to look in the mirror and see how we’ve contributed to our current situations. Perhaps more than we’d like to admit.
The polarity of Virgo/Pisces is about balancing order (Virgo) and chaos (Pisces). From disorganization to organization, we are seeking some kind of stability within the rise and fall of the emotional waves. And not only is the Sun in Virgo, but Mars, Mercury, and Venus are anchored into this sign. Hopefully by now we’ve been working through our perfectionist and critical ways, and have come out the other side with compassion and curiosity. Mercury and Venus also happen to be in the last degree of Virgo, which can create tension and amplification of the sign. Any unresolved Virgo themes begin to expand, possibly to the point of overwhelm, are asking for resolution.