Future Progression
“We cannot solve a problem using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
On a cellular level, we all hold memories of each of the lifetimes we have ever experienced as well as the lifetimes we one day are going to experience. Just as you can leverage Past Live Regression to guide you in achieving your goals. You can use Future Progression to guide you in seeing future obstacles and opportunities. Tuning into a future lifestyle frequency allow you to see what lies ahead you are better prepared to change the conditions that pave the way. Allow your Higher Self to guide you beyond your immediate awareness, to remain open to receiving non-conventional solutions to help guide you, from a future point in this lifetime frequency.
Allow your future lifetime frequency to help bring your ideas and vision for the future to this present moment. Allow your Higher Self to support your big ideas. Discover insight to questions such as, “What hidden opportunities are around you that will further your current goals and vision?”
Together, lets’ create the intention to connect deeper with your subconscious mind. As we explore your Future Lifetime Frequencies, set the intention to look at that life from a higher perspective. When you're ready, make yourself comfortable, light some incense, turn on your audio recorder (to capture the information to later be journaled), and state your intention out loud.
After you experience the journey remain aware of any dreams, symbols and what or who comes to you. Revisit your notes and recordings days, weeks and even months later.
you may uncover answers to questions such as:
What did my soul come to offer to the collective in this lifetime?
What hidden opportunities can further my goals and vision?
How can I achieve my greater vision?
What challenges present themselves in the future, that are outside of my current awareness?
What is my unique purpose?
The second recording is your guided journey. The more you journey this path, the more comfortable you will be with receiving and recalling information from your subconscious mind.
Suggested Practices
Allow yourself to simply connect. If nothing arises for you (visuals, images) - allow yourself the discipline and dedication to simply sit and create space to connect. No information does not necessarily mean there is not. It takes time to slow down, align and learn the language of energetic communication. It’s possible that the first few tries, or first month, is a calling for you observe and sit in awareness. Many people find it challenging to quiet their minds and sit in observation. To sit in energetic awareness is itself is a practice and gift. Be patient, remain dedicated and focused.
Altar. Keep the cards on your altar - and meditate on the images before going to bed each evening for a week.
Stay aware. Pay attention to symbols, dreams and people that come to you after the journey work. Even months later.
Keep a journal, record your dreams and emotional responses. Past lives can reveal themselves in dreams, visions, or extreme emotional responses that feel real but are not connected to current-life experiences.
Keep a record. With your mobile device on airplane mode, record your journey and speak your impressions and answers to the guided questions out loud. Later, review each recording and look for patterns and symbols.
Feel free to burn incense: frankincense, mugwort or whatever incense that is called to you.
Revisit the journey. Keep revisiting future life-times, it’s possible with each journey you’ll discover more information about yourself, goal and intentions.