Posts in Deceased Loved Ones
Future Progression

Just as you can leverage Past Live Regression to guide you in achieving your goals. You can use Future Progression to guide you in seeing future obstacles and opportunities. Allow your Higher Self to guide you beyond your immediate awareness, to remain open to receiving non-conventional solutions to help guide you, from a future point in this lifetime frequency. Understanding your lifetime frequency, and unique soul vibrations allows you to adjust it to call in and build your innovative and highest vision.

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Past Lives

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Past lives can reveal themselves in dreams, visions, or extreme emotional responses that feel real but are not connected to current-life experiences. If the same patterns keep reappearing, it's for a reason. You may have issues and lessons from a past life that need your awareness and releasing. As we explore your Past Life, set the intention to look at that life from a higher perspective.

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