Secret of the Golden Flower Meditation




Sol, the sun, is Leos’ planetary ruler. And it is during Leo season that we possess the capacity to cultivate and channel Light.  Leo teaches self-confidence, creativity, and the connection to the spiritual. During Leo season, we embrace a return to generosity, playfulness, self-love, passion, and romanticism. We are reminded to connect to our hearts, create, play, laugh and remember who we are at our core.

Leo season is a time when we discover, or re-descover, that our Light is Love. Over these last four months, we have learned to integrate (either actively or passively) and embody the four elements (fire, earth, air and water). During Aries season (fire), we became aware. During Taurus season (earth), we become aware of our physical body. In Gemini season (air) we become aware of our mind. Then finally, in Cancer season, we became aware of our emotional body; integrating the fourth element, and spirit of water. Now, after recognizing and integrating all four elements, we learn to embody the lessons of Leo season: the 5th sign on the cosmic wheel, and the 5th element. We discover the 5th element/Spirit/LIGHT. Leos’ energy supports our spirit and soul growth.

In Russian, Sunday is ‘Воскресенье’ (Voskreseniye / Voskresenie) meaning “Resurrection”.  This resurrection of energy supports our spirit and soul growth. It is on Sundays,  and during Leo season, we are gifted the energetic support for self-care and rejuvination.

You can perform this ritual and guided meditation whenever your intuition calls your awareness to it, or when your 5th house is illuminated, during your Solar Return (birthday) or on Sunday (ruled by Sol). You can learn more about Leo energy and Leo season in Foundation 3.


We strengthen ourselves by inhaling golden light into our heart chakra, and exhaling the shadow of our sorrows and disillusions. Agrippa calls the Sun, the “lucid flame”. The Secret of the Golden Flower, is meditation to cleanse the mind; and a path towards mental freedom. 

The Secret of the Golden Flower, was one of the first Buddhist / Taoist books translated into a western language. First published in 1929, by Richard Wilhelm; the German rendition was then further translated into English. Which included an extensive commentary by C.G. Junge. (1)

There is no religious system attached to the The Secret of the Golden Flower. The gold represents light, the lightening of the mind; and the flower symbolizes the opening or blossoming of the mind. The awakening.

The recommended practice of this meditation is fifteen minutes, first thing in the morning. Or, you can benefit from this meditation as a closing to your day, by practicing for 15 minutes in the evening before bedtime.

“Breathing in, let golden light come into you through your head, because it is there that the Golden Flower is waiting. That golden light will help. It will cleanse your whole body and will make it absolutely full of creativity. This is male energy. Then when you exhale, let darkness, the darkest you can conceive, like a dark night, river-like, come from your toes upwards—this is feminine energy: it will soothe you, it will make you receptive, it will calm you, it will give you rest — and let it go out of the head. Then inhale again, and golden light enters in.”

- Osho, The Secret of Secrets


Guided Meditation

Exclusive for Nomad Members: Secret of the Golden Flower Meditation

Channel the energy of Sol

Channeling the energy of Sol, as the Universal LIGHT, to stoke our internal flame. Leverage the Solar energy to shine light onto ones’ self to overcome depression, lift ones’ mood and awaken ones’ self again. 

Benefits: To be “seen”, Boost Vital Energy, Energy to lose weight, Boost Self-Esteem / Ego, Overall Happiness & Positive Shift, Happiness w/Family, Children, Friends, Create a Positive Mood, To assist with “the blues” or depression, For performers or public figures.

Suggestion: Work with this guided meditation and ritual for a few weeks. An internal shift is gradual and needs your dedication and commitment. After you have worked with this guided meditation for a few sessions, you can work deeper with the energies of Sol. His energy supports our spirit and soul growth. Sundays,  and Leo season, support self-care and rejuvination.

What you Need

  1. Altar to Sol

  2. Tarot Cards: Strength / The Sun

  3. Journal

  4. Guided Meditation

To prepare for this guided meditation and ritual:

  1. You can choose to listen to the guided meditation, or you use the guided meditation with an energetic releasing bath.

  2. Cleanse yourself (cleansing bath) & cleanse your space. Choose a ritual area in your home that is ideally free of clutter, distractions, and technology. You can use sage, palo santo, or even incense to smudge the air. You can also pour sea salt around the area, then sweep it up and discard outside of your home. 

  3. Prepare an altar to Sol (see Leo Season Guidebook). If you have a Lunar altar, clean it and create a space for offerings. 

  4. Take a cleansing spiritual bath prior to sitting down for this meditation.

  5. Meditate on his symbols, and channel his energy into your body.

  6. Set the Intention to cleanse your body with Golden Light.

  7. Light 1 white or yellow candle.

  8. Invite in Sol, the father. Give gratitude to any blessing and offerings he has already given you. Allow that feeling of his strength fulfill you, until you’re full with the feeling of expansion.

  9. Take notes to what symbols, emotions or information comes through

  10. As with any meditative practice or ritual, turn off your phone and create space to not be disturbed.

  11. When finished, close down the ritual. Never blow out the candle. If you need to extinguish it, either snuff it out or pinch it out with moistened fingers. Whenever you relight the candle, remember the feeling of the energy of abundance.

Suggested Timing:

  • Work with this guided meditation and ritual for a few weeks. An internal shift is gradual and needs your dedication and commitment. It is suggested to wake at sunrise, each Sunday, and great the Sol/Sun with this meditation.

  • Use this guided meditation throughout the entire month of Leo Season.

  • Use this guided meditation for each Sunday (Sol rules Sunday).

  • When you need to clear your mind and recharge your spirit.

Suggested Journaling Prompts:

  • How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my spirit?

  • How can I become the king/queen of my kingdom?

  • What qualities have I come here to master?

  • When and where do feelings of insecurity and emotional vulnerability surface?

  • I set the intention to learn the necessary life-skills to be a leader.

Recommended Reading

  • The Secret of the Golden Flower, translated by Thomas Cleary