Foundation 3 - A Year of Magick

Welcome to Foundation 3 - Living in rhythm with the Zodiac Seasons

The third foundation teaches Sol / Luna relationships for each zodiac season (each lunar month). Each month Sol & Luna gift us lessons, blessings, and an opportunity for growth as they journey through the 12 zodiac signs.

Each lunar month, you’ll receive the foundation, framework, rituals, and teachings to live in rhythm and empower you to live in flow with the season. Enlightening you to understand the deeper meanings behind “what is this meant to teach me?”

There is much valuable material that you will return to as you become more familiar with each season and setting and living your intentions with the Luna. You may already be familiar with the 12 zodiac signs; if so, this foundation will confirm what you already know. If you are new to this framework, let’s now - together - set the intention to learn.


The zodiac tells the story a cycle in which each of the twelve signs signifies a spiritual journey through life. Beginning in Pisces, the cosmic womb that unites us all. Then, we experience the spark of Aries as consciousness begins. Finally, returning to Pisces to integrate the wisdom from this cycle and journey.

Pisces represents the mysterious, the space between the unknown and the known, and the uncertain state that precedes creation. Despite its intangibility, its energy has a dreamlike quality, allowing it to transform intangibles into tangibles.

The next phase, a distinct individual form emerges, seeking autonomy and independence from the collective. As soon as an individual spark of consciousness comes to life, a powerful fire of personal determination begins to burn. This spark is the fire of Aries. This stage in the life cycle symbolizes our first awakening to self-awareness and identity. As a result of a surge of energy, we are driven to explore the possibilities of our unique purpose. This includes the courage to overcome obstacles to the ability to embody our authentic selves.

In response to the increasing energy, we drop into our bodies and move into Taurus. During the Taurus phase, we become aware of our senses, values, and worth. During this time, we learn how to take care of ourselves and acquire a grounded awareness of the world around us. As we develop our understanding of the tangible factors that contribute to our well-being, we become more appreciative of our resources, money, and ownership.

As we move into the next phase, we are in the sign of Gemini, which represents curiosity and exploration. This is the stage of development at which we begin to communicate, name what we see, and try to make sense of the world around us. As a result of having the ability to communicate with other people, acquire information, and exchange information, we can learn about the world around us and gain a deeper understanding of it as a result of our linguistic abilities.

As we become more familiar with our immediate surroundings and community, we develop a desire to create roots, a home, and a family. Cancer is a phase of emotional growth when you must establish a secure home environment that nourishes your mind, body, and soul. Make your home a sanctuary and invite those who matter most into it.

Once you have created a safe and comfortable space for yourself, it is time to let your inner light shine. The sign of Leo reminds us of the value and worth of our unique talents and abilities. This is a time to practice self-compassion and self-care, and to nurture and cultivate the light within us. No one can take away our inner strength and light, and with mindfulness and self-reflection, we can make it burn even brighter. Leo is a time of pride and empowerment, when we are encouraged to recognize and celebrate our unique gifts and abilities. So let your light shine, and let the warmth of your inner strength guide you on your journey.

The sign of Virgo is associated with self-reflection and self-improvement, and encourages us to take a close look at our behavior and habits. This is a time to analyze our actions on a daily basis, in order to identify any unhealthy patterns or behaviors that may be holding us back. By taking this time for self-reflection, we can make the necessary changes to move from simply surviving to truly thriving and growing. So let the energy of Virgo guide you on your journey of self-discovery and self-improvement, and embrace the process of refining and bettering yourself.

In astrology, the first six signs of the zodiac - Aries through Virgo - are considered to be below the horizon, and are known as the "Axis of Consciousness." This is a time of inner exploration, contemplation, and self-focus, as we work to build our foundation and values and prepare for our interactions with the world. As we journey through the below-the-horizon signs, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, laying the groundwork for our interactions with others and the world (Above the Horizon).

Above the horizon, the astrological signs are known as the "Realm of the Sky." This world of experience offers us opportunities to prepare for the many changes and challenges we will encounter in our human lives. This is the realm of social interaction, where we learn about the evolution and dissolution of relationships, philosophies, and ideals. As we journey through the above-the-horizon signs, we are given the tools and experiences we need to navigate the complexities of human connection and social life.

The first phase above the horizon is Libra. Libra is the sign of relating, socializing, and connecting with others. Through Libra, we learn to love and share, seeking harmony and congeniality in our relationships and friendships. It's a reminder to be open-minded and see the beauty in other people's lives, to move away from our own narrow perspectives and find common ground. When we create or nurture relationships, both benefit.

Next comes a period of deeper commitment. Scorpio is a time of emotional intensity; of understanding the power of relationships, lifting the veil, and freeing oneself from illusions. In the Scorpio phase of the life cycle, we find a unique and powerful energy within our relationships: deep commitments are made on an emotional, sexual, and financial level in order to achieve a common goal. Scorpio is ultimately a journey of transformation that teaches us how to deepen our connections in relationships and find a balance between the two wills.

The Sagittarius phase encourages us to take an adventure within ourselves and develop a deeper understanding of the passions and beliefs that guide our lives. The time you spend in Sagittarius provides the opportunity to deepen your knowledge and build your faith; we are encouraged to expand our intellectual, spiritual and cultural horizons. The pursuit of higher education, religion, abstract thinking, philosophy, and travel as means of expanding the higher self. Understanding oneself, one's relationships, and one's purpose in life.

As we enter the Capricorn phase, we are called to take the principles and concepts we learned during the Sagittarius stage and use them to make an impact. Capricorn is associated with ambition, achievement, and success, and encourages us to strive for greatness and to make our mark on the world. We are reminded by Capricorn that success does not come from focusing solely on ourselves. Achieving success requires us to become familiar with the social institutions and occupations surrounding us. We must build relationships with others, to recognize their strengths and viewpoints, and to join forces when appropriate. We are encouraged to check in with ourselves during our journey, in order to ensure we remain true to our core values and purpose.

In Aquarius, our focus shifts from personal ambition and achievement to the benefit of the collective. The time is right to take a look beyond yourself and consider the impact of your actions on others - to find strength and purpose by working together in groups, organizations, and communities. The Aquarius sign is all about elevating one another and creating something beautiful together. Whether it is organizing an activist group, launching a business, or creating an online community, this is an opportunity to move humanity forward.

Lastly, we return to Pisces, which completes the cycle of our human existence, bringing us to the end of our journey. Afterwards, we will meditate and reflect upon the memories we have acquired throughout our journey. We can transcend limitations through cosmic consciousness and become liberated from the ego and personal identity. As a final note, it is possible that conflict may arise concerning acceptance. We may fear or rebel against the end of this cycle, and the beginning of the next.

The Houses of the Zodiac

Each of the twelve zodiac signs is assigned to a house in the zodiac wheel that corresponds with the constellations and the time of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, Aries is positioned at the Spring Equinox; Cancer at the Summer Solstice; Libra at the Fall Equinox; and Capricorn at the Winter Solstice. Ancient astrologers assigned each zodiac sign and constellation with mythological stories that have been passed down, informing our understanding of the astrological archetypes to this day.

Aries – The Warrior
The 1st house on the cosmic wheel, whose ruling planet is ♂ Mars, initiates action, physical energy, motivation, leadership, exercise, anger, personality, and new beginnings.

Taurus –  The Sensualist
The 2nd house on the cosmic wheel, whose ruling planet is ♀ Venus, governs materials and values, physical issues, money, possessions, self-esteem, practicality, socialist views, economy, property, charity, and sexuality.

Gemini – The Messenger
The 3rd house on the cosmic wheel, whose ruling planet is ☿ Mercury, oversees communication, dichotomy, balance, community, study, mental states, versatility, journalism, books, public speaking, and rationalization.

Cancer – The Nurturer
The 4th house on the cosmic wheel, whose ruling planet is the ☽︎ Moon/Luna, corresponds to compassion, nurturing, intuition, emotions, habits, property, consumption, home life, hometown/ country, patriotism, roots, heritage, houses, apartments, and family.

Leo – The King, The Queen, The Creator 
The 5th house on the cosmic wheel, whose ruling planet is ☉Sun/Sol, represents the domain of art, self-expression, hobbies, self-esteem, ego, pride, children, babies, young adults, youth projects, entertainment, fashion, pleasures, and interests.

Virgo – The Virgin, The Healer 
The 6th house on the cosmic wheel, whose ruling planet is ☿ Mercury, corresponds to the body, judgment, analysis, opinions, diet, health, habits, skills, work ethic, service, duty, doctors, healers, employment, daily routine, and lifestyle.

Libra – The Diplomat 
The 7th house on the cosmic wheel, whose ruling planet is ♀ Venus, is associated with relationships, partnerships, and partners. former, current, and potential partners, rivals and opponents, friends, social issues, love, sexuality, balance, legal partnerships, and harmony.

Scorpio – The Alchemist
The 8th house on the cosmic wheel, whose ruling planet is ♇ Pluto (but in ancient astrology, is ruled by ♂ Mars), corresponds to power dynamics. This can mean power/money, sex/money, death/money, reactions, control issues, secrets, attachments, ambitions, goals, debt, resources, organization, self-worth issues, death, and dying.

Sagittarius – The Philosopher
The 9th house on the cosmic wheel, whose ruling planet is ♃ Jupiter, is associated with religion, philosophy, academia, education, publishing, beliefs, foreigners, beliefs, opinions, travel, independence, opportunity, and finances.

Capricorn – The Ruler
The 10th house on the cosmic wheel, whose ruling planet is ♄ Saturn, represents leadership, career, public image, reputation, ambition, social climbing, achievement, structure, creation, materialism, discipline, life, and death.

Aquarius – The Innovator, The Humanitarian, The Maverick 
The 11th house on the cosmic wheel, whose ruling planet is ♅ Uranus (but in ancient astrology, is ruled by ♄ Saturn), corresponds to goals, friendships, kinships, groups, friends, power of the people, research, and individuality.

Pisces – The Mystic 
The 12th and final house on the cosmic wheel, whose ruling planet is ♆ Neptune (but in ancient astrology, is ruled by Jupiter), is associated with healing, emotions, empathy, psychic development, spirituality, independence, discretion, art, reflection, addiction, drugs, and alcohol, operating behind-the-scenes, meditation, and imagination.

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