Manifesting & Removing Doubts
“I release fear of not being enough, not having enough, not doing enough. My mind is open to new ways of thinking and claiming miracles.”
Setting resolutions, long-term planning & goal-settings can be more easily explored during Capricorn season (Dec 22nd - Jan 1st), or when your 10th house is illuminated. Capricorn is the tenth sign in the twelve wheel Cosmic being. Symbolized by the goat and the element of Earth. Capricorn is the sign of hard work and determination. Demonstrating that achievements are not made through haste, but through consistency, confidence and discipline. It is the archetype of the Mountain Goat, climbing slowly, steadily towards their goal, committing their time and resources, tackling whatever obstacle or boulder gets in their way. We select Capricorn season to plan and strategize, for this is a time when we can channel the pragmatic energies of Capricorn to design a path forward and roadmap. However, these techniques can be observed and developed at any time your intuition calls your awareness to them. Lean more about Capricorn Season in Foundation 3.
Guided Meditation to release fears and blockages
Guided Meditation lead by Lara Noel
During this guided meditation we are going to explore an area of your life where you may be feeling, doubt, stuck, limited, or maybe there’s fears coming up around success, failure, fear of change or increased responsibility. In this meditation, I’ll help you create a place of resource & stability; then help you locate your chosen issue in and around your body. We’ll see what sensations arise, what it has to share with you, if anything, and what it needs to feel safe and secure.
Law of Attraction
If you've studied or experimented with the Law of Attraction for any length of time you've probably asked yourself, "Why am I still getting what I don't want?"
The Law of Attraction operates on an energetic level - drawing and magnetizing comparable energy; energy and experiences that are vibrationally attuned with our most dominant thoughts. When we desire something, we launch a vibration that begins to bring that experience into our lives. So from a purely Universal standpoint, if you're attracting what you do not desire, then you are vibrating at that level. And it follows that your vibration must also be out of sync with what you do want (or you'd have it already).
So it follows that everything in your current reality is a perfect vibrational match to you. Today - this instant - the way things are match perfectly to the way you are. If you want something different then you have to change your vibration to reflect this change (if it were already a match then that which you wish to manifest would already be part of your reality).
Not happy with where you are today? Somewhere in your subconscious you hold the belief, or doubt, that you either not ready or not worth it (working on your self esteem is of equal importance). As you become more comfortable asking the Universe or God for what you want - in equal parts you will need to become more accepting to owning and receiving what you ask for.
For example, you are using the Law of Attraction to manifest a career shift, or advancement in your career:
You may want a manifest a change in career. Yet you may be holding on to fear, or struggling with imposter syndrome. Any emotional blockages or doubts during your interview process will hold you back. This fear is energetically tangible, and creates chaos (late to meetings, misunderstandings) and missed opportunities. In order for a company to feel confident in you, and extend you an offer, you need to hold and own that confidence within yourself. Now, there is always a health sense of nervousness, whenever we try to expand ourselves and Go Big. Yet, nervousness is energetically manageable. Oftentimes, nervousness is our bodies response to being excited. This is different than doubt, or internal confusion. When you are trying to create a shift, we are to drop the question, “do I want this?” If you find yourself asking this question, take pause and work through your doubt prior to trying to call it in.
For example, you are using the Law of Attraction to manifest a new relationship:
You may want a manifest a healthy relationship with an athletic partner, but you personally haven't seen a gym in months and you eating habit leave a lot to be desired. Get a gym membership! Become physically active. If physical health is important to you in a partner, your partner needs to see the same values reflected in yourself.
Once you go through your list and develop what was lacking within yourself - a partner that matches you energetic level will appear. Whatever attracts you, the same will be attracted to you. In short: in order for you to attract someone with the qualities you want, you have to be those qualities first. Within your core and not superficially. This is why many Spiritual Advisors advise you to "work on yourself."
What can your fears & doubt teach you?
Your fears & doubts can be an outline for the areas in your life which need an updated plan. These are the areas where you do not hold confidence, and you are being asked to meet these areas head-on, to address and work on. Meet your fears & doubt with logical alternatives, areas of study and possible solutions. Allow these doubts to be a framework for brainstorming, conversation and improvement.
What’s the biggest killer of manifesting your dreams?
Confusion. Confusion is not knowing your worth. Confusion is not seeing your path. Confusion is when you doubt your intuition. Confusion is not knowing yourself. When confused we go in circles. We waste energy and time. We don’t see signs or opportunities. We throw doubt. To get big, we need to get clear.
However, habits, thought patterns, self talk and limiting beliefs all work behind the scenes to keep us from progressing forward to attaining our goals. The result is that we stubbornly stay stuck in the same reality with the stuff we don't want anymore. And when that happens, we find ourselves attached that our desire is not attainable. We manifest the doubt and not the desire. Creating a cycle of frustration. Creating a cycle of doubt.
What is the second biggest kill of manifesting?
Low Self-Esteem and Self-Worth. What is your current relationship to your self-worth & receiving? If you have difficulties receiving, you may not realize how to witness and step-in to opportunities as they present themselves. An inability to receive, sometimes is displayed as a lack of belief in self, and an internal voice of doubt, "they didn't really mean it" (a positive compliment) or something is too good for, not meant for, or you're "not ready. It's possible you are even sabotaging your own happiness, for you haven't forgiven yourself for some past action or mistake; and want to continue in a state of self-punishment. These are possible subconscious blocks, sabotaging or masking opportunities & gifts. Remember, if you are thinking it, the seed is there - it simply may need nurturing and many lunations (moon cycles / time) to grow.
The good news is that it's possible to break this cycle of doubt, adjusting your vibration so that the things you want can appear in your reality. It takes an understanding of how the Law of Attraction works along with the Law of Detachment.
The Law of Detachment says that we must relinquish our attachment to our desire in order to manifest it.
This law is the second of the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism
2. The origin of suffering is attachment.
The origin of suffering is attachment to transient things and the ignorance thereof. Transient things do not only include the physical objects that surround us, but also ideas, and -in a greater sense- all objects of our perception. Ignorance is the lack of understanding of how our mind is attached to impermanent things. The reasons for suffering are desire, passion, and our, pursuit of wealth and prestige, striving for fame and popularity, or in short: craving and clinging. Because the objects of our attachment are transient, their loss is inevitable, thus suffering will necessarily follow. Objects of attachment also include the idea of a "self" which is a delusion, because there is no abiding self. What we call "self" is just an imagined entity, and we are merely a part of the ceaseless becoming of the universe.
For example, it's easy to see how we are attached to other people, truly believing that our happiness somehow depends on them. We can also easily see how we are attached to food, pleasure, or comfort.
We maintain the belief that our emotional well-being is inextricably linked to having what we believe will make us happy. But holding these beliefs guarantees that we cannot be deeply satisfied, because we will always be anxious at the thought of losing what we believe makes us happy. If we wish to be really happy, we have to give up our attachments.
We can find attachments everywhere: to our accomplishments, to identities based on how others see us, to our occupation, to where we live, to what kind of car we drive. We can certainly find our attachments to another person being a particular way, based on the belief that we need them to be a certain way for us to be happy. But love, or the happiness that we naturally derive from love, is not based on need. And to the extent that we are attached to the fulfillment of our needs, we cannot really love.
Let's look at what detachment is and what it is not. We are attached when we feel that we will not be satisfied until or unless we get what we want (our desires fulfilled) therefore we are 'attached' to the outcome. Desire alone without faith, willingness, confidence, acceptance, expectation and/or certainty yields a vibrationally descending or repelling space. Desire alone is not enough to manifest our dreams.
Detachment does not require that we give up our desire. Detachment is not apathy or indifference. Effective detachment never feels negative - ever! Effective detachment feels freeing! Detachment simply means that no matter what we have in life - we will not be crushed if it is taken from us or if we never receive it. It means we have the attitude of total trust in life to give us what it is for our own highest good and spiritual advantage. When we are successfully detached from the outcome; we can trust in our greater good; like we are absolutely certain that all that we desire is already ours.
Think about the men and women that you've met that always seem to have a relationship. The ones that are never single long and when they are single - they get asked out and pursued more than anyone else. What do they have in common? -- Confidence and Detachment. They are confident that they will have a relationship and they are detached from having to have one. You might hear them say, "I like them but I could care less, if he or she calls me back." Or you might hear them say, "I didn't even want a relationship and I found one!"
You want to use this confidence and detachment to your advantage. When you can say, "I am in the moment, creating and enjoying my life as it is today - and I don't care when (remove the timeline) my desired outcome arrives," and mean it - then you are in harmony with allowing - then you are detached and then you will attract what you set out to manifest.
Now, when it comes to wanting to manifest a career change or a new job opportunity, detachment is more challenging - for our sense of security and livelihood are at stake. Instead of detaching from the core goal: career change, new job, get me out of my current job - detach from specific opportunities. Not only does this allow for you to be more at ease while interviewing (keeping your mindset open to abundance), it takes the stress and energetic pressure / squeeze from companies as you interview. Always, it is good to have a specific company or role in mind - have a goal and framework. Yet, allow the Universe to present to you the right opportunity at the right time. Many people want to work for Google, hold that goal and vision. Now, broaden the vision to also allow for other opportunities. Opportunities you didn’t know existed that might be better suited to you and your lifestyle. For the bigger intention and vision may need more than a year to unfold. Allow yourself the opportunity to find a path at different companies, ones in which weren’t not in your awareness. Sometimes going for the companies you want, limit you.
Life responds with one of three answers:
1) Yes
2) Not now
3) Not for you / Something better
At any given moment, you can ask the questions:
Where do my attachments lie right now?
What person, or item do I give my power to?
What someone or something do I believe I can’t be content without?
What object or thing do I believe I need prior to achieving my goal?
Who told me, or when was I told I didn’t deserve success or happiness?
How do you react to receiving?
Write down how you respond, and feel when in a situation of receiving. Sometimes we respond openly, however internally we may feel awkward of "imposter syndrome". Through this exercise you'll discover if you've been your own unknown source of blockage. Once we make the unconscious conscious, we can make adjustments and then take action.
Flip Limiting Beliefs
Take your limiting belief, flip it, empower yourself by updating any false beliefs. For example, flip “I constantly make mistakes ...” to “there is an opportunity to grow and learn, when anything doesn't go to plan.”
Manifesting Exercises Overview
The Intention: Get Clear & Drop Doubt
Before you can receive, you’ll need to be honest with both yourself and the Universe. Do you want it? If you’re on the fence, it’s more likely you’d “like it”, but not need, want or follow-through with the intention. Which will later translate as not showing up, throwing doubt or negative thinking towards your advancement; and often times not stepping in to seize opportunities (you changed your mind). You no longer energetically vibrate with what shows up - there is a lackluster, low vibration. You don’t care. You didn’t really want it. The more often you ask for something and change your mind, the less likely you’ll receive. Be clear. Start small. Accept the gift.
Start Small
New to manifesting? Start small. Not everything need to be big. Manifest a free cup of coffee, a sale at a local shop, a penny on the ground, to come across your favorite animal / bird, to find a piece of clothing you’d like at a second hand shop, etc.
What drives your intentions?
What is your desired intention?
Why do you desire this intention? What does it give you?
Why do you want that? What does that give you?
Great, and why do you want that? What does that give you?
What will this intention help you feel?
Journal Prompt
What do I come up against when I consider manifesting a change in my life and receiving my intentions?
What steps can I take to merge my rational mind with my spiritual experience?
Where can I find resources that will serve my intention?The Intention: Write it down
Take time to collect your thoughts, meditate and select one focused intention. This will be the intention you send out into the Universe. Keep the intention short, one or two sentences - in the present tense. Now, write this intention down. Write it down on paper, bringing the the intention one step closer from the ethereal into material world.
You can further strength your intention by aligning the timing with a day, hour that is associated with a planetary energy that supports this intention. Ex: The day or hour of Venus, for intentions surrounding beauty, love and cash.
Visualize, Raise energy and Accept
Visualize. Visualize. Visualize. Now, not everyone can visualize an actual picture in their minds-eye. Do not let this deter you. You can still visualize and create a strong image, using a strong thought t “picture”. The image you’ll create at first will be strong knowing, almost instant, leveraging a mental description with words to paint the scene and landscape. Knowing that there is a red ball and holding that as an image, without actually seeing ir as a photo. Allow your conscious & subconscious to work in your natural manner. This is actually the method that I use, for I do not always see vivid images or colors. I “visualize” the landscape as though I am reading a book. I hold strong mental thoughts within my minds-eye, and allow my subconscious to do the heavy lifting.
Take a few deep breaths, and center your thoughts. This clears your mind, and sets the scene in which you’ll hold your image. Imaging your intention. Get clear. Now, with as much detail engage all your senses - what do you see, feel, hear, taste? What does it look like, what does it feel like to be living in this intention? What does it feel like to receive this intention? Why do you desire this intention? What does it give you? Why do you want that? What does that give you? Great, and why do you want that? What does that give you? What will this intention help you feel? Tap into the feeling as though it’s all happening right now. Feel this in your body and core - raise energy.
Raise Energy & Accept
Feel at ease as though this intention is already yours. Most importantly, hold within your body that this intention is already yours and lives within you. Ask yourself, is this intention mine? If you feel resistance any resistance or doubt as you raise your energy, visualize this rolling away. As in meditation, allow the doubt to roll-in and release. Do not hold onto it, or give it additional energy or attention. Don’t resist the doubt, and yet don’t give it importance for your brain to hold on (this is only your fears / shadows trying to distract you and keep you in a state of non-acceptance).Give Thanks
Thank yourself for showing up for yourself. Give thanks for all that you already have. Give thanks and gratitude for receiving this intention.
Feel at ease as though this intention is already yours. Allow yourself to detach the control. Allow yourself to detach from the when’s. When will it happen? What will it look like? How will I know? Get out of your own way. Detach from the specifics and allow yourself to continue to live in the moment. Allow yourself to be surprised by the manifestation.
"I am in the moment, creating and enjoying my life as it is today - I remove the timeline of when my desired outcome arrives" and mean it. Now you are in harmony with allowing. You are detached and less anxious.
Note: Some people like to give thanks after detaching. Personally, I find that giving thanks after detaching, re-attaches ourselves to the intention and energy. Do what you most resonate with.
Suggested Exercises
New to manifesting? Start small. Allow yourself to become familiar with the energy. Keep exercising and practicing this energetic muscle. Not everything need to be big - allow yourself some smaller wins and build upon them. Both satisfying your curiosity and allowing yourself to be more familiar with “what works for you”. Manifest a free cup of coffee, a sale at a local shop, a penny on the ground, to find a piece of clothing you’d like at a second hand shop, to wake-up to a bird or feather, etc.
Adjust. Not exactly what you wanted or expected? Review your intention and notes. Where could you have been more clear? How did you feel in that moment? How can you become more clear?
Build on top of each other. Manifest a job opportunity: manifest a job posting, manifest opportunities to grow your skill-set, manifest meeting individuals who will grow your network.
Unsure what to manifest or which goals to commit too? Grab your Tarot Cards, and use the Inspiration & Road-Mapping Tarot Spread found below, and within the Capricorn Season Foundation. Watch the Capricorn Season Foundation Video, in Foundation 3, to hear me further explain this tarot spread exercise.
Manifesting Journal & Guidebook
Exclusive for Nomad Members
Manifesting Journal
& Guidebook
Nomad Members. What drives your intention? Forgiveness Ritual to release blockages. Balance Wheel. Which new moon, day or hour amplifies your intention(s).
Tarot Spread for Inspiration &
“What are my next three steps?”
“What three suggestions can inspire a new goal?